
Visualizations of diversity

Diversity posters for download, image files optimized for printing in Din A4 format

Due to the high demand, which exceeds the available supply, and because the original Din A0 format is too large for some hanging locations, we offer here the download of image files of the 12 selected motifs of the Diversity Posters of the University of Stuttgart. The files have been optimized for self-printing in Din A4 format.

To download the image files optimized for printing in Din A4 format, please click on the image tile below and then download the file behind them. Please do not use the image tiles themselves for printing in Din A4 format, as this will result in poor image quality.

The popular Diversity Posters of the University of Stuttgart are the result of a project of the Hochschule für Kommunikation und Gestaltung, as well as the Faculties 2 and 10 of the University of Stuttgart, supported by the Diversity Fund of the Prorectorate Diversity and International Affairs of the University of Stuttgart.

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