Higher education and lifelong learning
Entrepreneurship is more than just a study program. Entrepreneurs are bold and visionary, but they are also extremely hardworking and persistent. Teaching these skills is one of the main tasks of higher education. Our interdisciplinary courses are open to students from all subjects and disciplines. With our transdisciplinary approach, we aim to make learning tangible, ensuring that learning outcomes can be put directly to use. This approach is strengthened by the incorporation of external researchers and lecturers from the industrial sector. The third pillar is our international approach. This is made evident by our offer of courses in the English language, lectures and workshops with international guests, international summer schools and much more.
Projects and formats
The University of Stuttgart and the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science (ENI) offer a wide range of courses, workshops and many other events that will familiarize you with the subject of start-ups. The aim is to meet your specific requirements so that you can learn “entrepreneurship 101”, based on your own ideas and interests.
Study while working: a part-time Master’s in Intra- and Entrepreneurship
This part-time Master’s study program in Intra and Entrepreneurship (tech) unites the expertise of the Hochschule der Medien and the University of Stuttgart in the fields of high-tech, technology development and start-ups.
The course imparts comprehensive knowledge of business management, as well as the planning, regulation and optimization of technology-oriented start-ups and innovation projects. The study program focuses on the administrative and technological issues specifically experienced by start-ups, but which also effect newly established companies. You will learn to recognize opportunities for technology-oriented business ideas, and to systematically validate and implement these, as well as developing innovations and solutions.

Andreas Wahl
Dr. rer. pol.Head of Teaching

Jan Wunderlich
M.A. Dipl.-Ing.Coordination and advice (University of Stuttgart)