The Rector, the Chancellor, and the Vice Rector for Information Technology are full-time Rectorate members. Permanent adjuncts are the Vice Rector for Teaching and Continuing Education, the Vice Rector for Research and Sustainable Development, the Vice Rector for Early Career Researchers and Diversity and the Vice Rector for Science Transfer and International Affairs.
Anna Steiger
Phone: +49 711 685-82207
Vice Rector for Information Technology (CIO)
Dr. Simone Rehm
Phone: +49 711 685-82550
Vice Rector for Research and Sustainable Development
Prof. Manfred Bischoff
Institute for Structural Mechanics
Phone: +49 711 685-66123
Vice Rector for Teaching and Continuing Education
Prof. Michael-Jörg Oesterle
Institute of Business Administration
Phone: +49 711 685-83638
Vice Rector for Early Career Researchers and Diversity
Prof. Judith Tonhauser
Institute of Linguistics
Phone: +49 711 685-83121
Vice Rector for Science Transfer and International Affairs
Prof. Alexander Brem
Institute of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Science
Phone: +49 711 685-61719
Rectorate Committees
The following committees render advice to the Rectorate on issues of strategy, organization, and research promotion:
The membership of the Extended Rectorate Board is composed of the Rectorate and the Deans of the Faculties. Also attending the Board’s meetings are permanent adjuncts of the Rectorate. The Extended Rectorate Board advises the Rectorate on:
- Development and strategic planning including staff development,
- Conclusion of university contracts and agreements on objectives,
- Setting of criteria for performance and workload measurement,
- Drafting the business plan,
- Distribution of the University of Stuttgart’s available professorships, positions and resources,
- Strategic research initiatives,
- Such other matters for which the Rectorate considers involvement by the Extended Board as necessary.
When the University is in session, the Rectorate convenes the Extended Rectorate Board once a month.
Meetings schedule for winter semester 2024/25
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Meetings schedule for summer semester 2025
Wednesday, May 14, 2025
Wednesday, June 18, 2025
Wednesday, July 16, 2025
Meetings schedule for winter semester 2025/26
Wednesday, October 29, 2025
Wednesday, December 3, 2025
Wednesday, February 4, 2026
each 2:30 pm, Senatssaal
The Research Council advises the Rectorate on research promotion and strategy; it may on its own initiative address research-related topics. It is specifically responsible for:
- Requests for funding from the research fund for start-up financing of cooperative research undertakings (SFBs, GRKs, etc.) as provided for by the University of Stuttgart’s research promotion document;
- Requests for funding from the research fund exceeding 20k euro;
- Requests for large apparatus costing more than 100k euro;
- Establishment, modification and dissolution of cross-faculty research structures, in particular internal and inter-university research networks;
- Such other requests as delegated for review to the Research Council by the Rectorate.
The Research Council is chaired by the Vice Rector for Research and Sustainable Development, Prof. Manfred Bischoff.
On the page of the Research Council you will find the current meeting dates and Research Council members.
Dr. Courtney Burrell
Administrative Office of the Research Council
Division 1 – Research and Transfer
Project Office and Early Career Researchers
The council for scientific cooperation with extra-university institutions (Cooperation Council [de]) advises the Rectorate on cooperation with extra-university research institutions and industry alliances. On its own initiative, it can take up strategically relevant topics for the promotion of extra-university cooperation and the transfer of knowledge and technology. The Cooperation Council is, in particular, responsible for:
- The coordination of strategic research initiatives between the university and extra-university research institutions, in particular the Fraunhofer Society, the Max Planck Society, the German Aerospace Center and institutions of the Innovation Alliance Baden-Wuerttemberg;
- The establishment, modification and dissolution of cross-faculty research structures and research alliances with external research institutions and industrial partners;
- Applications for funds from the Knowledge and Technology Transfer Fund;
- Concepts and measures to promote the transfer of knowledge and technology within the university;
- Further proposals submitted by the Rectorate to the Cooperation Council for consideration.
The Cooperation Council is chaired by the Vice Rector for Science Transfer and International Affairs, Prof. Alexander Brem.
Rectorate adjuncts
The following individuals take part in rectorate meetings as permanent adjuncts:
The Office of the Rectorate supports and advises the Rectorate members in carrying out their duties in in keeping with best practices of professional and goal-oriented university management.
Dr. Michael Waldbauer
Phone: +49 711 685-81000
Fax: +49 711 685-71000
Azenbergstraße 16, room 00.008
70174 Stuttgart
The Head of University Communications and Press Spokesperson advises the Rectorate on all matters of internal and external communications and marketing.
Dr. Florian Krüger
Phone: +49 711 685 82555
The personal assistants support the rector in carrying out his duties, thus ensuring a professional and targeted university management strategy. Furthermore, they are also responsible for organizing the meetings held by the university rectorate and for its associated offices.
Anja Hardekopf M.A.
Phone: +49 711 685-81098
Fax: +49 711 685-82113
Dr. Tine Trumpp
Fax: +49 711 685-82113

Anja Hardekopf
Personal Assistant to the Rector

Tine Trumpp
Dr.Scientific Assistant to the Rector