Personnel development

Discovering and nurturing staff potential

The personnel development programs on offer are aimed at all members of staff, and include target group and subject-specific skills development and qualifications.

The University of Stuttgart supports all employees in their personal and professional development. This takes the individual’s skills, personal wishes and requirements into account as well as the aims of the organization.

The programs range from leadership development and onboarding programs for new employees and different formats for continuing education to personal advice.

The Personnel Development Department offers an onboarding program for employees in the area of academic support. As an employer, the University of Stuttgart attaches great importance to fostering your enthusiasm and motivation from the very beginning. And that is why we would like to provide new employees with optimum support during the induction phase.

To the onboarding program [de]

Every year, employees at the university can choose from a wide range of continuing education programs. This wide range of programs includes courses on the following subjects:

  • Social and communication skills
  • Work organization
  • Project management
  • Computer skills
  • English courses

To the continuing education program [de]

A leadership position in science, technology or administration calls for numerous different competences. We offer our managers a number of programs to acquire and build on these skills, and support them with individualized advice so that they can carry out their various roles and tasks. The leadership program teaches all important leadership-related skills in a module-based form.

An extract from our program

  • Programs for various target groups (e.g. basics of leadership, communication and managing staff, conducting employee meetings, employment law, academic autonomy/committee work)
  • Target-group specific programs (e.g. leadership in administration, leadership in science, leadership in technology and handcrafts, leadership for faculty managers)
  • Individual leadership programs (coaching, advice, peer coaching)

Information on the program and how to sign up [de]

The university also offers its own events to complement its continuing education program, aimed at the university's approximately 60 apprentices and their supervisors. In addition to specialist input specifically tailored to suit the target group, these also promote networking and strengthen the social cohesion among apprentices. For example, the courses on offer include:

  • Communicative skills
  • Work techniques
  • Exam preparation
  • Individual job application coaching
  • Krav Maga
  • Data protection
  • Addiction prevention
  • Fire safety training

Continuing education courses for apprentices and supervisors

Team building, coaching, presenting, and mediation are some of the key instruments of personnel development. Suitable formats help employees grow into their roles and foster cooperation among team members.  The HR Development department also offers managers individual advice on leadership issues. We work with experienced external coaches and consultants. In cases of conflict, the Health Management of the University of Stuttgart provides support through mediation and coaching (Multifamily Therapy Counseling [de]).

Departments and institutes have different requirements and preferences for continuing education offerings. We design custom courses or organize outside training tailored to specific audiences on request.

In addition, we work with the following partners:

  • Baden-Wuerttemberg Management College
  • VWA – Management and Business College
  • CHE – Center for Higher Education
  • ZWM – Center for Science & Research Management
  • dhv – German Association of University Professors and Lecturers
  • IHK – Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Stuttgart Region

Personnel Development

Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24D, 70174 Stuttgart

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