The University of Stuttgart offers multiple structured programs leading to a doctoral degree in a variety of subjects. Please refer to the respective homepages of individual programs to find out how to apply.
Cooperative doctoral degree programs
Thanks to the University of Stuttgart’s cooperation with both post-secondary technical schools (universities of applied sciences that lack the right to confer doctorates) and with private sector companies, students in cooperative doctoral degree programs get an excellent scientific education with strong practical relevance. As a student in one of these programs, you will have two supervisors, one from the University and one other from the technical school or business enterprise.
Doctoral Degree Programs
Engineering and Natural Sciences
- German-French doctoral student research group: Analyse intelligenter Systeme unter Berücksichtigung von Mehrfeldkopplungen
- Doctoral student research group: Aerothermodynamic design of a scramjet propulstion system for future space transportation systems
- Graduate School: Advanced Manufacturing Engineering (GSaME)
- Graduate School: Simulation Technology (SimTech)
- Graduiertenkolleg: Intelligent Methods for Test and Reliability (GS-IMTR)
- International doctoral degree studies program: Environment Water (ENWAT)
- Integrated doctoral student program: CRC/TRR Biological Design and Integrative Structures
- Integrated doctoral student program: Interface-Driven Multi-Field Processes in Porous Media (IRTG-IMPM)
- International Research Training Group: Droplet Interaction Technologies (DROPIT)
- Graduate and Research School: Efficient Use of Energy Stuttgart (GREES)
- Research Training Group 2543: Intraoperative Multisensoric Tissue Differentiation in Oncology
Completed projects
- Doctoral student research group: Non-linearities and upscaling in porous media (NUPUS)
Cooperative doctoral degree programs
Engineering and Natural Sciences
- Graduate School KIC InnoEnergy, a European consortium for promoting sustainable energy supply that has some 160 partners from industry, universities, research facilites and business schools. The University of Stuttgart is one of its founding members.
- Doctoral degree studies research group: HYBRID (University of Stuttgart, Esslingen University, Daimler AG, Robert Bosch GmbH)
- Doctoral degree studies research group: PROMISE 4.0 – Intelligent production systems and methods in the Industry 4.0 context for smaller and mid-size enterprises (University of Stuttgart, Esslingen University, Aalen University, Heilbronn University) (in formation).
- Doctoral degree studies research group: Windy Cities (University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart Technology University, Esslingen University)
- Doctoral degree studies research group: Robert Bosch Center for Power Electronics
- Doctoral degree studies research group: Services Computing (University of Stuttgart, Reutlingen University)
- Doctoral degree studies research group: Soft Tissue Robotics (University of Stuttgart, University of Auckland)
Media studies
- Doctoral degree studies research group: Digital Media (University of Stuttgart, University of Tübingen, Stuttgart Media University)
Team of the Graduate Academy GRADUS
Pfaffenwaldring 5c, 70569 Stuttgart

Jürgen Hädrich
Dr.Managing Director GRADUS