Shape the quantum revolution

Your future? Become a problem solver for the big questions of tomorrow!

Quantum physics has led to technology which is omnipresent in our society, such as the atomic clock, GPS, Internet, integrated circuits and lasers. With a degree in quantum technology you can shape technological progress in your own way.

Do you want to develop ultra-fast and energy-saving computers which make data transfer more secure against eavesdropping, and carry out research into high-precision sensors and energy technology with low power losses at the highest levels of technology? Then studying quantum science at the University of Stuttgart is the right choice for you!

Your study destination

The Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology (IQST) at the University of Stuttgart is becoming the foremost international competence center for quantum science and technology. Here, top researchers work hand in hand in direct cooperation with industry to meet the challenges of the future using quantum physics.

A quantum simulator “Magnetic-Atom Quantum Simulator” (MAQS) is currently being developed at the University of Stuttgart, which in contrast to previous quantum simulators is based on magnetic atoms which interact with one another over long distances, and therefore have led to new and unresearched states of matter.

Your future

The increasing performance of computers, data security in times of continuous digital monitoring and highly-sensitive methods of measurement make quantum technology essential in an increasingly complex future. Stuttgart is a thriving center for quantum science. Quantum technology is an indispensable part of the technological advances of the future.

Become part of the quantum revolution and solve the problems of tomorrow!

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