The Deutschlandstipendium at the University of Stuttgart

Information for applicants

The Deutschlandstipendium comes with a monthly stipend of 300 Euro. Who is it designated for? How do you apply for it? All you need to know is right here.

Deutschlandstipendium for the periods 2025/26

The Deutschlandstipendium of the University of Stuttgart for 2025/26 has been announced. Please follow the link in the box below. Applications can be made as of January 7 until January 16, 2025.

Deutschlandstipendium: announcement and application

Who is the scholarship intended for?

The Deutschlandstipendium (DStip) is an achievement scholarship, which considers academic grades as well as additional ‚soft‘ achievements and qualities!

Why is it worth applying for the Deutschlandstipendium?

We asked the 2017 scholarship holders. Here is what they said.(Video available in German only)


FAQs on the Deutschlandstipendium for prospective applicants

Half of the funding for the DStip comes from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the other half from private donors, such as foundations, companies, and private individuals.

The application period is in January for grants starting in April. You can apply regardless of which semester you are in; the only condition in this respect is that the last semester of your standard study period ends not before the summer semester.

In order to be eligible for the DStip, you have to be enrolled as a student of the University of Stuttgart in the summer semester.

The scholarship is always awarded for the term of one year and re-announced each year. You may easily apply for an extension of the funding through the application form.

Yes, funding can be obtained over several years. However, at the University of Stuttgart the scholarship is awarded for only one year (two semesters). Each year, it therefore needs either a re-application for an extension of the funding or a new application, if changes of the subject of studies or the degree program are planned.

The application deadlines are regularly announced on this Internet page. Usually, the application documents can be handed in during ten days each January.

No, the Deutschlandstipendium is not connected to your income and/or BAföG payments, therefore, will not reduce the BAföG payments. If housing subsidy is granted, please contact the relevant office.

The Deutschlandstipendium is a merit scholarship for which, in addition to grades, also some so-called soft factors (see next FAQs) play a large role. It is used to support the best and most engaged of our students.

A scholarship is granted to those students, who are on top of a ranking list of the commission of their study program. There are scholarships bound to special study programs and unbound scholarships. The distribution of the unbound scholarships to Faculties 1 to 10 is determined by the rectorate. Each Faculty grants scholarships according to their ranking. The allocation of the application to the faculty is determined by the study program.

Determination of the ranking:
All paper applications are processed electronically. For each application, a preliminary rating is generated based on the self-declarations, and weighting of grades and additional criteria (in German: Anlage 1 (Profilraster) der Satzung der Universität Stuttgart für die Vergabe von Deutschlandstipendien (11. August 2011) [de]). All digitalized data are displayed in a preliminary ranking sorted for each Faculty. The grants commissions verify, correct if necessary, and then set up a final ranking.

Besides the grade average, the following soft factors are taken into account: subject-related and non-subject qualifications and achievements (e.g., prizes and internships), extracurricular engagement (e.g., volunteering, social or political engagement) but also circumstances that have complicated the educational biography to date (such as caring for own children, a migration background, illnesses). See also  Section 6 of the University of Stuttgart statutes for awarding the Deutschlandstipendium [de] (pdf iconpdf) (August 11, 2011).

Applicants may optionally choose up to three donors, by whom they prefer to be funded. However, a matching to the desired donor is not guaranteed due to the numerous similar wishes and the existing funding contracts. 
Partly, donors are allowed to take part in the grants commissions advisory. When the decision on the grant holders is made, the participating donors may choose their scholars.

Yes, if your donor does not choose to remain anonymous, we will pass the contact information on to you.

No, you are not obliged to do so at all. The scholarship comes without any obligations. However, you may well contact your donor to introduce yourself and thank for the funding. Keeping in touch may lead to further granting activity of the donors. Thus, you may help indirectly your successors.

Some of our sponsors offer such framework programs. Others prefer to only give financial support. Should you be interested in these additional programs, you could inquire directly to your sponsor (if he is not anonymous). On the other hand, you may allow us to pass your contact data to your sponsor, so they could contact you directly and offer their programs or events to you. 

This varies. If you already receive a grant from public resources (e.g. a DAAD scholarship) exceeding the amount of 30€ monthly, a DStip may not be paid in addition. However, there are funding means, that may be combined. Please, keep us informed well in advance so that we can advise you!

According to a rectorate’s resolution, one fourth of the scholarships has to be granted to freshmen (first semester of a Bachelor program).

  • The academic performance of high school graduates and first semester students (Bachelor), is evaluated through the average mark of the higher education entrance qualification (e.g Abitur or Baccalaureat).
  • The academic performance of students as of the 2nd semester is evaluated through their transcript of records. Students of the University of Stuttgart have to use the form provided by C@mpus.

Both groups, freshmen and students, are considered separately in order to avoid misjustices. This leads to two separate grading lists generated by the awarding committees.


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