Visa regulations, residence registration and residence permit

Depending on your nationality (check the FAQs), you may need a visa and/or residence permit to study in Germany. In addition, all residents in Germany must register with the local registration office.

In order to enter and stay in Germany during your studies, you may require a student visa and/or a residence permit depending on your citizenship. Please do not enter Germany with a tourist visa under any circumstances - it cannot be used to obtain your residence permit. Apart from a student visa, PhD students might have further visa options. If this applies to you, please contact the International Office.

Citizens of EU countries, Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland

Students with an EU nationality or who are citizens of Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland, or Switzerland, only need to register as residents. They do not need a visa and/or residence permit.

Citizens of Australia, Brazil, El Salvador, Honduras, Israel, Japan, Canada, South Korea, New Zealand, the US and specified other countries

(see the service portal)
Due to special visa regulation agreements for those countries, you can enter Germany with your passport and you do not need a visa. You have to apply for your Aufenthaltserlaubnis (residence permit) at the Ausländerbehörde (Foreign Registration Office) in Germany after your arrival. 

When applying for your residence permit, please make sure to bring along a proof of sufficient financial resources to cover your living expenses for at least one year (a minimum of EUR 861 per month). This can be evidenced by any one of the following: a blocked bank account, a declaration of financial commitment, a bank statement showing the credit balance in a bank account in Germany, a proof of stipend or scholarship.

For exchange students only: a bank statement (for the form please E-Mail the International Office).

Citizens of non-EU countries (other than those listed above)

You must apply for a student visa (Visum zu Studienzwecken) at the German embassy or at a German consulate in your country of residence prior to your departure. It can take up to six months to process, so start the process as early as possible. More information about entry visa for educational purposes or visa options for PhD students can be found on the Make it in Germany website and the Federal Foreign Office website.

After arrival

Residence permit

The student visa is normally valid for a maximum of 3 months. If you intend to stay longer than indicated in your passport, you must apply for a residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis) at the foreign registration authority of your town of residence upon arrival in Germany. In Stuttgart this is the Ausländerbehörde.

Residents' registration office

Residents’ registration office In addition to registering for the residence permit, all students (regardless of citizenship) are required by German law to register at the Einwohnermeldeamt/Bürgerbüro (residents’ registration office) of the town where they live within 14 days upon arrival. Check with the International Office where to go and for the documentation requirements.


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International Office

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