
The Rectorate

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Ressel is in his third term as the university's Rector. He represents the university and chairs, the Rectorate, the Expanded Rectorate and the university bodies.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Ressel, Rector of the University of Stuttgart
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Ressel, Rector of the University of Stuttgart

With our vision, Intelligent Systems for a Sustainable Society, we are committed to achieving our strategic goals on the way to becoming an internationally recognized top-league university.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfram Ressel, Rector of the University of Stuttgart

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Middendorf 
Vice Rector for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Phone: +49 711 685-62411
Fax: +49 711 685-62449

Universität Stuttgart
Institut für Flugzeugbau
Pfaffenwaldring 31
70569 Stuttgart

Sabrina Eberhardt-Wager
Phone: +49 711 685-82201
Fax: +49 711 685-82113

Dania Marquardt
Phone: +49 711 685-82203
Fax: +49 711 685-82113

Universität Stuttgart
Keplerstraße 7
Room 1/12, 1st Floor
70174 Stuttgart

Susanne Riedl M.A.
Phone: +49 711 685-82202
Fax: +49 711 685-82113

Anja Hardekopf M.A.
Phone: +49 711 685-81098
Fax: +49 711 685-82113

Universität Stuttgart
Keplerstraße 7
Room1/11, 1st Floor
70174 Stuttgart

Dr. Michael Waldbauer
Phone: +49 711 685-81000

Universität Stuttgart
Azenbergstraße 16
Room 3.000
70174 Stuttgart

Office of the Rectorate


Universität Stuttgart
Keplerstraße 7
Room 1/14, 1st Floor
70174 Stuttgart

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2006
Rector of the University of Stuttgart
2000 – 2006
Dean of Faculty 2, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Since 1998
Department head, Chair for Road Design and Construction and managing director of the Institute of Road and Transportation Science at the University of Stuttgart
1993 – 1998
Managing partner of an engineering firm in Munich that specialized in construction engineering and surveying
Awarded PhD by the Chair for Transportation and Road Traffic Engineering at the Bundeswehr University Munich
Graduated with civil engineer degree from the Technical University Munich
born in Munich


This image shows Susanne Riedl

Susanne Riedl


Personal Assistant to the Rector

This image shows Anja Hardekopf

Anja Hardekopf


Personal Assistant to the Rector

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