Una Terra: Promoting sustainable projects

With the funding line "Una Terra", the University of Stuttgart promotes innovative, quickly implementable projects in the context of sustainable development.

The starting signal has sounded: 13 teams have started to realize their sustainable project ideas and to contribute to the “Sustainable Development Goals” of the UN. With the Una Terra funding the University of Stuttgart is actively involved in sustainable development, in accordance with the strategic goal “Emphatic commitment to sustainable development”.

The projects address aspects of construction & energy, waste, mobility and education and will run until the end of 2021, with a final event planned for 2022. 

Una Terra is about awakening hidden potential and ideas in the field of sustainability and translating the creativity and innovative capability of our university members into tangible projects.

Prof. Manfred Bischoff, Vice-Rector for Research and Young Scientists


Una Terra is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG UP 31/1) under Germany's Excellence Strategy.


This image shows Nicole Bach

Nicole Bach


Research Officer in Division Research and Transfer

This image shows Charlotte Toulouse

Charlotte Toulouse


Scientific Assistant to the Rector

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