Quantum Creators Prize for Jens Hertkorn

November 18, 2022

Jens Hertkorn receives a 2022 Quantum Creators Prize at the University of Chicago.
[Picture: University of Chicago]

Jens Hertkorn, currently a PhD student at the Dipolar Quantum Gases team at 5th Institut of Physics of the University of Stuttgart, has been awarded a 2022 University of Chicago Quantum Creators Prize for his outstanding contributions to the field of quantum science and engineering. Jens receives the prize for his work on dipolar supersolids and pattern formation.

“It is not self-evident that a European researcher like Jens is invited to the United States to receive such an award even before he has completed his PhD. And it's wonderful that our work on ultracold magnetic quantum gases in Stuttgart has received international recognition,” Tilman Pfau, doctoral supervisor and head of the institute, is pleased. “It was a great honor for me to receive the award and to present my results in front of the broad audience at the Quantum Summit. I was very impressed by the atmosphere at the Summit. I experienced an unusually strong cooperation between government, industry and academia and the urge towards a second quantum revolution was literally in the air. It is exciting to see that many new startups are emerging and how many high-tech companies are beginning to take advantage of quantum effects,” Hertkorn reports enthusiastically.

It is the second year that these prizes are being awarded during the 2022 Chicago Quantum Summit.  The Quantum Creators Prize recognizes the achievements of early career researchers in the broad areas of Quantum Science and Engineering and comes with 500 $ prize money and the invitation to present the own research in the Symposium.

PI5 congratulates very warmly for this prestigious award.

Jens Hertkorn
Jens Hertkorn presents his research during the second annual Quantum Creators Prize Symposium in Chicago on November 15, 2022.

Quantum Creators Prize Symposium 2022

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