The University of Stuttgart maintains a large number of research centers and partnerships. From intra-university centers to comprehensive alliances, such as ARENA2036 or Cyber Valley, where science and industry jointly develop and implement new research ideas. The resulting platforms connect people and projects beyond specialist boundaries and form the creative basis for the "Stuttgart Way".
Research centers and cooperations with our partners
[Photos: o.A., Center for Bionic Intelligence Tübingen Stuttgart (BITS), MPI-ISW. Scheible, Universität Stuttgart/5. Physikalisches Institut/Wolfram Scheible, Universität Stuttgart / Uli Regenscheit]
Stuttgart research centers
[Photos: Uli Regenscheit, o.A., o.A., o.A., o.A.]
Excellent conditions for research, studies and cooperation
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[Photos: ICD / University of Stuttgart, HyEnD / University of Stuttgart]
Manfred Bischoff
Prof. Dr.Vice Rector for Research and Early Career Researchers
Peter Middendorf
Prof. Dr.Vice Rector for Knowledge and Technology Transfer