Conference: Technologies of emotionalization

May 24, 2019

Emotions of mechanized living and working environments. Interdisciplinary perspectives

Time: May 24 – 25, 2019
Venue: University of Stuttgart
Keplerstr. 7
70174  Stuttgart
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The goal of this interdisciplinary conference is to consider current digital structural changes and which changes have an impact on human emotional life in mechanized living and working environments. Such considerations are based on the observation that (century-old) cultural technologies of the rhetorical influences of emotions today are based on technologies that aim to digitally compile and influence emotions using digital devices and algorithms. Mechanisms of emotional regulation and self-medication are increasingly being delegated to machines and programs that are removed from political control. This is not necessarily problematic; emotionalization through art, due to its autonomy from political influences, is also removed from political controls. But economic interests influence the technologies of emotionalization. Over centuries, we have developed a wealth of experience in handling the emotional impact of rhetoric, music, literature or theater, but we are all but illiterate when it comes to our current high-tech environment. This lecture will focus on ideas based on the theory of democracy and educational policy, such as how can digital psychomechanics be made more democratic? What consequences might arise from “Sentimental Education” (Flaubert) and how might this influence the education of digital emotions?

Project management:
Dr. Felix Heidenreich and Prof. Dr. Florian Weber-Stein

This event is funded by the State Ministry of Baden-Württemberg for Science, Research and Art.

This event is part of the joint project KOALA - Kooperation in allen Lehramtsfächern auf- und ausbauen.

This lecture will be held in German.

Further information  Opening lecture 

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