Person takes a picture of a sunset with his smartphone.

The University of Stuttgart's five most beautiful Instagram pictures

December 21, 2022

The most popular motifs on the university’s Instagram channel in 2022 and why they are so popular

Campus buildings, falling snow, a Ukraine flag, the campus at night and students on Campus Vaihingen - these were the most popular photos on the University of Stuttgart's Instagram channel, receiving the most "likes" in 2022. But why are they so popular?

On Instagram, likes are given in the form of hearts. These say: I like this picture. "Exciting atmospheric images, such as sunsets, snow, or rainbows are always popular on Instagram and receive lots of like", explains Christina Fischer, the university's Social Media Manager at University Communications. She also points out that images showing unusual perspectives of the campus are very popular.

"What has changed over the last few years, is that it's no longer just the pure aesthetics of a picture that count on Instagram. This still plays an important role, but it is also current and politically relevant topics or research results that generate a lot of discussion and likes," says Fischer, explaining the popularity of images of the Ukrainian flag. 

In the post with the photo of the bustling Campus Vaihingen, the university's social media editors came up with something special: They called on first-year students to connect with their fellow students in the comments below the picture. Anyone could leave a comment on his or her field of study and find like-minded people, and those who wanted to were able to contact each other.

Exciting atmospheric images, such as sunsets, snow, or rainbows are always popular on Instagram and receive lots of like.

Christina Fischer, Social Media Managerin

University Communications is responsible for the University of Stuttgart's Instagram channel. Working together with the department's online editorial staff, Christina Fischer publishes several photos daily, raising the university's online profile and making it more visible. In 2022, a total of 1,400 stories, i.e. posts, were published that were only visible for 24 hours, and 279 images in the feed that are permanently visible on the University of Stuttgart's profile. These images have been viewed by approximately one million people. In December 2022, the University of Stuttgart's channel had around 26,700 followers.

Close contact to students

In addition to posting photos, the social media team also responds to numerous comments or personal messages from students daily. Fischer notes, "Our Instagram channel is an important communication medium for students." The channel serves as a point of contact for them and also as as a medium for complaints. "The students ask us lots of questions, which we try to answer or forward to the relevant contact person. Of course, we sometimes receive criticism. Responding, reacting, reassuring people and mediating are all part of our daily work."



University Communications

Keplerstr. 7, 70174 Stuttgart

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