This picture shows Prof. Christine Hannemann

Prof. Christine Hannemann

Areas of Research: Architecture and Housing, Urban Development and Spatial Planning, Sociology
Thematic Priority: Shift and changes in housing, Architectural research and architecture as a profession, City- and urban sociology, Immigration and integration
[Image: Christian Koch/SWR ]

Field of Work

Prof. Hannemanns research focus includes the transition of housing, urbanity as a form of living, as well as architecture as a profession and architecture within the field of empirical social research. The subject matter of this field of research includes an introduction into societal, social and cultural perspectives, into architecture- and urban planning, as well as aspects and dimensions of the interplay between human needs, interests beside usages and built environment, particularly with regard to housing.

Personal Information

Christine Hannemann is born in Berlin. Her studies took place at the Humboldt University in Berlin and she received 1994 her doctorate from the Technical University Berlin. 2003 Hannemann obtained her habilitation board certification in sociology from the Humboldt University. From 1990 to 2011 she was employed at altered universities in Berlin. Her different guest-professorships and international research stays took her among others to the USA, France and Brazil. Hannemann furthermore led various third-party research projects. From 2011 onwards, Christine Hannemann is head of the Department, ʺSociology of Architecture and Housingʺ, which is part of the Institute for Housing and Environment, present at the faculty of architecture and urban planning at Stuttgart University.


Prof. Christine Hannemann
University of Stuttgart
Institute for Housing and Design (IWE)
Tel.: +49 711 685-84203
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