This picture shows Prof. Burkhard Pedell

Prof. Burkhard Pedell

Area of Research: Business and Management
Thematic Priority: Cost and revenue management, resilience, risk management, behavioral control, rewards and incentives, internal auditing, compliance, regulation of network industries
[Image: Burkhard Pedell]

Field of Work

Research at the Chair of Management Accounting and Control is clustered in four research groups: Cost and revenue management, Resilience and risk management, Behavioral control and rewards/incentives, Regulation of network industries (particularly rate regulation). Research is based mostly on empirical studies, e.g. qestionnaire based survey, analysis of archival data and experiments, recently also with the help of neuroeconomic methods (MRT).

Personal Information

Since 2005, Prof. Dr. Burkhard Pedell is full professor and director of the Chair of Management Accounting and Control, University of Stuttgart. His major research interests include cost and revenue management, risk and resilience management, performance measurement and behavioral control, internal auditing and rate regulation. One of his publications is Regulatory Risk and the Cost of Capital: Determinants and Implications for Rate Regulation (Springer, 2006), which received the Austrian Controller Award. His research has been supported by grants of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation), the Fulbright Commission, and the University of Sydney. He has been visiting scholar at the Wharton Risk Center on a regular basis since 2002, where Burkhard worked on public-private partnerships for terrorism risk insurance. In 2007 he was appointed as a Wharton Risk Center Senior Fellow. He was a visiting scholar at the University of Sydney in 2011 and 2016. He is member of the workgroup ‘Regulation’ of the Schmalenbach-Gesellschaft and serves as a member of the Scientific Committee of the German Institute of Internal Auditing. Together with Gunther Friedl and Christian Hofmann he is the author of Kostenrechnung: Eine entscheidungsorientierte Einführung (Managerial Accounting: A decision-oriented introduction, 2010), which received the text book award of the German Academic Association for Business Research (VHB).

Burkhard received a doctoral and a post-doctoral degree from the University of Munich. During his studies of economics (1990-1995) at the University of Munich, he received a scholarship of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes (German National Scholarship Foundation) and collected short term working experience in project financing and corporate planning in France, the US and Canada. Before his studies, he received training in a bank for two years.


Prof. Dr. Burkhard Pedell
University of Stuttgart
Institute of Business Administration (BWI)
Tel.: +49 711/ 685-83170

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