Carmen Hennebach

Financial support for third-party projects from federal/state government, IGF: Faculty 5 / ZIM+DFG normal procedure (research grants): Faculties 1-5 + Central Facilities
Division 1 – Research and Transfer
National Research Funding


Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24C
70174 Stuttgart
Room: 1.207


  • Financial support in applying and accounting for
    • Projects run by the federal/state governments, IGF projects faculty 5
    • ZIM faculties 1-5 + Central Facilities
    • Financial support in managing and settling DFG projects using standard procedure (research grants), faculties 1-5 + Central Facilities
    including evidence of use
  • Providing advice on fundamental questions relating to
    • Federal Funding

Monday and Thursday at the service office in Vaihingen:
Pfaffenwaldring 59 
70569 Stuttgart
Room 0.07
Tel. +49 711 685 82257

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