Developer-owned construction and PMO

This staff position supports the university’s management, the faculties, and the institutes in the implementation of their construction projects and measures to improve accessibility in the course of the university’s capacity as contracting authority.

The position of Developer-owned construction and the project management office personnel were chosen in the fall of 2020 and are directly answerable to the Chancellor of the University of Stuttgart. The position coordinate and control the varied and challenging tasks that have arisen as a result of the university assuming the role of contracting authority for the first time. As a pilot project of the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, the capacity as contracting authority was assigned to the university for the first time for the new LCRL construction project of the IntCDC Cluster of Excellence.

A particular challenge is the implementation of structures and standards following the Ministry of Finance’s instructions for the state-run administration of property and building construction in Baden-Wuerttemberg as well as, where necessary and possible, their adaptation to the requirements of the university in close cooperation with Division 6 (Engineering and Constructions).

Against the backdrop of optimized planning and construction processes compared to previous state-run construction projects, the field of work includes the development of processes and contract award strategies, risk management, advice on questions regarding property, construction and operational control during project implementation, and ensuring compliance with administration-specific guidelines and standards from the state building authority. In the process, the team rely on agile project management tools and standardized workflows in a digital project environment.

  • Review and approval of construction and decision documents
  • Quality assurance of standards, costs, and deadlines
  • Control and coordination of construction projects from an economic point of view
  • Planning of budgets and the allocation of funds
  • Risk management coordination
  • Project implementation and contract award strategy


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