Can the EU (still) play a meaningful role in the progression of digitalization?

December 5, 2019, 7:30 p.m. (CET)

Series: Frankreich-Schwerpunkt

Time: December 5, 2019, 7:30 p.m. (CET)
Venue: Institut français Stuttgart
Schloßstr. 51
70174  Stuttgart
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President Macron introduced the term “digital sovereignty” to the debate; but does politics really have control in the current age? And in what way should politics intervene in digital communication? For many years, the work of the sociologist Jasmin Siri has focused on the interface between digital communication and politics. She is not only interested in the effect of new media on politics, but also in the ways in which politics could intervene in digitalization.

This event is part of the series “The Politics of Digitalization – the European Answer in a French-German Dialogue”.
This lecture series is organized by the University of Stuttgart’s IZKT and the Institut français Stuttgart. This event is supported by the Robert Bosch Foundation, with funding from the DVA Foundation.

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