Building cathedrals – cathedrals in Pisa, Piacenza and Siena

November 19, 2018, 7:00 p.m. (CET)

Lecture series ifag at Seven: Prof. Dr. Bruno Klein, Dresden

Time: November 19, 2018, 7:00 p.m. (CET)
Venue: University of Stuttgart
R 1.08
Keplerstraße 11
70174  Stuttgart
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Cathedrals, and particularly the monumental cathedrals built in the Middle Ages, were much more than just buildings, they contributed to society, institutions and mentalities. Such cathedrals had a profound influence on the own architects, builders and sculptors who built them, in fact on everyone involved – sometimes more of an influence than those affected would have liked. In this lecture, three examples of Italian cathedrals – the Romanesque cathedrals in Pisa, Piacenza and Siena - will be used to demonstrate the importance of such large construction projects.

Event language: German


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