Do you have ideas to make our campus more beautiful, lively and inviting?
Now is your chance to get active, roll up your sleeves and make this vision a reality! As part of this competition, we want to support projects that enhance our campus. Whether it's revitalizing unused open spaces, creating meeting places or improving the quality of life - we support projects that enrich campus life and enable collaboration. This applies to all locations of the University of Stuttgart.
Our campus can become a more creative meeting place. I invite you to submit your ideas. Let's create a new drive to make our university a place where we feel comfortable, develop ideas and learn together.
Prof. Peter Middendorf, Rector at the University of Stuttgart
Our funding goals
We want to promote projects that can be implemented quickly and that
- invigorate the campus with creative ideas,
- create meeting places for students, staff and initiatives,
- bring science to life in application,
- promote joint collaborations,
- implement beautification measures (without full-scale renovation),
- organize events with a strong attraction or
- design long-term visions for the campus.
Who can participate?
All academic and non-academic staff and professors from institutes and central units, student groups, students (together with a supervisor employed by the university), staff from central administration and non-academic services are eligible to apply.
Funding amount and use of funds
A total of up to 200.000 euros in funding is available. Individual projects can generally be funded with amounts from a few hundred euros up to approx 20.000 euros. The funds are allocated to the institution of the project leader or supervisor (in the case of students) after approval and can be used for:
- material and investment resources,
- Hiwi (student worker) funds,
- expense allowance for students.
Student projects selected as part of the "Glow up our campus" competition can also receive funding from stuwe e.V. in addition to the University of Stuttgart competition. We would like to thank stuwe e.V. for this!
Funding criteria
- Best fit to the funding objectives and to the broadest possible target group
- Feasibility – the idea is practically attainable, can be launched quickly after approval and ideally implemented or established in 2025
- The financial and time schedule is appropriate
How do the competition and the funding phase work?
The deadline for submitting your project idea has passed. We appreciate your participation. We are now reviewing the documents, and you can expect to receive feedback by early March regarding whether your project has been invited to pitch on March 19.
- February 14, 2025
Submission of the project idea via application form to campus-glow-up@uni-stuttgart.de by February 14
- March 19, 2025
After an initial screening and pre-selection, the most promising projects will be invited to the Glow up our campus strategy dialog on March 19, 2025. Here, the applicants will present their idea in a short pitch. The jury and audience will then decide which projects will be funded.
The selected projects should then be able to start promptly so that we can noticeably improve the quality of life and enjoyment of our campus as early as spring/summer 2025. The funding will be allocated to the project manager's institution and should ideally be spent in 2025. At the end of the project, awardees will need to submit brief report to address the achievement of the project objectives, including a proof of use.
For projects that require technical, legal or infrastructural coordination, a central project group will support the relevant competencies. This support should be requested early in the planning process, after the application has been approved.
Questions and answers
Reach out to us! We’re happy to provide advice and help you network. In some cases, staff from the Green Office can act as supervisors. After an initial consultation, we can discuss giving you extra time to find a supervisor (but not for completing the entire application).
A supervisor is required to support the successful implementation of your project, receive the funding, and manage it within their institution. This enables, for example, hiring student assistants (HiWis).
Supervisors can be anyone employed by the university during the project’s duration (excluding student assistants).
The Green Office offers guidance and consultation for students during the application process. Reach out to us.
You can try to inspire others with your idea and find teammates. However, please note that this competition explicitly seeks individuals or teams who want to implement their own ideas.
Contact us! We’ll do our best to help you network with others.
If your project fits the competition criteria and does not involve fundamental renovation, submitting an application is worthwhile. Relevant departments are integrated into the Glow Up Our Campus initiative from the start. For projects requiring technical, legal, or infrastructural coordination, a central project group provides support. This support should be requested early during planning after the application is approved.
We aim to provide feedback about whether your project will be invited to the pitch approximately two weeks after the application deadline.
There are no formal restrictions as to how many ideas you can submit. However, you have to make sure that the effort required is manageable if all were to be funded. Otherwise, it should be clearly indicated in the proposals that only one of the submitted projects (A, B, C) can be implemented.
Please submit one proposal for each (distinct) project idea. However, combining projects with similar goals can be a good solution. As long as the combined projects stay within the funding limit of €20,000, this is often the most effective option. If projects complement each other or build on one another, a modular implementation with distinct proposals is also possible. In this case, the proposal can reference the other project. However, the projects should be designed to stand alone, so that if only one proposal is approved, it can still be implemented independently.

Ideas competition: Glow up our campus!
- Write e-mail