This year the company LIGHTSHAPE and the VDC as organizers are co-hosting the second VR Expo in Stuttgart together with the University of Stuttgart and ARENA2036.
Stuttgart, 26th June 2018 – on 5th and 6th July 2018 the organizers LIGHTSHAPE GmbH & Co. KG and the Virtual Dimension Center (VDC) are again co-hosting the VR Expo 2018 jointly with the University of Stuttgart and ARENA2036, together with Daimler AG as the main sponsor. The venue this year is the research factory ARENA2036 at the University of Stuttgart on the Vaihingen Campus.
Creating a platform linking the industrial users, technology providers, content service providers and researchers from the fields of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) – that is the idea behind the VR Expo. The company LIGHTSHAPE GmbH & Co. KG and VDC Fellbach initiated the VR Expo 2017. After a successful start, there are more co-organizers in the form of ARENA2036 e.V. and the University of Stuttgart, so that the VR Expo will be taking place this year in the research factory ARENA2036 at the University of Stuttgart, which has in the meantime become very visible to the whole world.
Over two days the VR Expo will be showing professional VR and AR applications for engineering, marketing, service and training. Get some inspirations for your own company at the Expo and at presentations and make new contacts during a get-together in the evening. The VR Expo comprises premises of ARENA2036 and the nearby VR/AR laboratories of the High Performance Computer Center (HLS) and the University of Stuttgart Visualization Research Center (VISUS), as well as the Center for Virtual Engineering (ZVE) of the Fraunhofer IAO. With this the VR Expo is offering you a broad range of VR/AR technologies – from mobile smart glasses and head mounted displays (HMDs) up to large-scale, high-resolution power walls and CAVE systems.
A further highlight of the VR Expo is the involvement of MediaNight from the nearby Media University (HdM) on 5th July: on Thursday evening at the HdM visitors will be able to look at experimental projects by students, including the degree courses of Audio-Visual Media, Computer Science and Media and Information Design and make contact with possible junior staff.
VDC Managing Director Dr. Christoph Runde believes in the new concept: “In the meantime there are a range of trade fairs dealing with virtual reality; however, none of them offer a visit to VR labs or VR large installations and none is located in the middle of a globally outstanding science location. The cooperation with ARENA2036 and the location of the research factory in the middle of the university campus make it possible for us to demonstrate state-of-the-art science as well as industry mature solutions and will also show what will be possible tomorrow. This spectrum is unbeatable.“
The VR Expo is open for visitors on both days and entrance is free.
Visitors and exhibitors can find all information to do with the VR Expo on the website [de].
This also offers a review of the 2017 events.
At a glance:
Date: 5th & 6th July 2018
Venue: ARENA 2036, University of Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 19, 70569 Stuttgart
Entrance free!
Website [de]
Baden-Württemberg is already the strongest federal state today in almost all categories in the field of virtual technologies. Baden-Württemberg holds top positions in the fields of research, education and industrial applications. This is to be further expanded. With the VR-Expo the latest findings from science and industry will be presented. Prospective industrial users can get in touch cross-sector with technology providers, founders, research facilities and universities to discuss in terms of the topic. The cooperation between science and industry will be intensified, new findings and ideas will be developed and will be given a stage.
The Virtual Dimension Center (VDC) w.V. is Germany’s leading competence network for virtual engineering. Technology suppliers, service providers, users, research facilities and multipliers work in the VDC network along the entire value chain of virtual engineering. According to the articles the VDC does not work for profit but is merely committed to technology transfer.
The company LIGHTSHAPE (co-founder of the Expo) belongs to the pioneers of digital reality. The company has set itself the target of making the boundaries of this technology with reality disappear so that professional users will be able to use them in their working world completely intuitively.
The University of Stuttgart is a leading technically oriented university. As a university in the center of a region of high economic strength, it sees itself as a hub of university and extramural research and through its research achievements and training highly qualified graduates creates the basis for the innovations of tomorrow. VR technologies and their application are the subject of research as well as teaching. The research campus ARENA2036 has developed into a beacon for the complex of themes Industry 4.0, work, mobility and production of the future.
ARENA2036 strengthens the region of Stuttgart and the industrial location of Germany on the one hand through its research achievements and on the other hand through an innovative and pioneering model of the cooperation between currently 31 partners under one roof for an optimum transfer of technology. The development and the use of VR technologies is of great significance for the ARENA in many projects.
ARENA2036 e.V. was founded by the founding partners of the research campus ARENA2036 in order to considerably boost the activities in the aforementioned field.
Download press release and images [de].
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We are gladly at your disposal should you have any questions: email
Sebastian Mareck | Virtual Dimension Center (VDC) Fellbach
+49 (0) 711 58 53 09-23
Anca Braedt-Lautmann | LIGHTSHAPE GmbH & Co. KG
+49 (0) 711 219 578-52