Awards for excellence in teaching

July 1, 2021

The digital Day of Teaching and Learning forms the framework for the award ceremonies

It is impossible to overstate the importance of excellent teaching at a university. For the University of Stuttgart, this is a good reason to honor particularly outstanding lecturers and individual teaching projects with an award.

This is also anchored in the university's mission statement: good, research-oriented teaching can awaken a passion for science. Accordingly, the university attaches great importance to the awards presented to those who - according to their students - have been particularly successful in this. At the online Day of Teaching and Learning (30.6.2021), the award winners accepted awards from the year 2020, presented by the Vice Rector for Teaching, Prof. Hansgeorg Binz, and a representative from the student council (stuvus), Alice Höfler.

Awards and award winners

Teaching award from the University of Stuttgart – awarded annually since 2015

The award, with EUR 10,000 prize money from the University of Stuttgart was awarded to:

  • PD Dr. Ingo Hartenbach from the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry. By decision of the Senate of the University of Stuttgart, Ingo Hartenbach received this award in recognition of his excellent didactics, a particularly good relationship with his students, and his great dedication to his subject.

The stuvus Special Prize for excellent teaching - awarded since 2019

Each stuvus Special Prize offers EUR 2,000 prize money and this year these were awarded to:

  • Dr.-Ing. Christian Senger from the Institute of Telecommunications
  • Johannes Nöldeke from the Institute for Social Sciences

stuvus Special Prize for digital teaching - awarded for the first time

The Digital Teaching Prize is also awarded by the Student Council (stuvus) at the University of Stuttgart. This award does not honor an individual person, it is awarded for digital courses that were held in the summer semester 2020 – and is awarded to the entire team who designed and organized the course. This award, with varying levels of prize money, was awarded for the following courses:

  • “Machine Learning” (course leader: Dr. Steffen Staab): EUR 1,000
  • “Ethik bei David Hume” (course leader: Prof. Dr. Andreas Luckner): EUR 2,000
  • “Sprachvariation und Spracherwerb im gesellschaftlichen Kontext” (course leader: Dr. Fabian Bross): EUR 2,000 
  • “Semantik” (course leader: Dr. Fabian Bross): EUR 2,000  
  • “Topologie” (course leader: Prof. Dr. Michael Eisermann): EUR 3,000
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