A top-ranking delegation from the universities involved in the Australian Technology Network (ATN) visited the TU9 from September 11-14. The program concluded with an all-day visit to the University of Stuttgart on September 14.
Following a welcome speech from Phillipp Stephan (Program Coordinator, International Office) and Prof. Frank Wagner (Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering, IAO), part of the delegation visited the High Performance Computing Center at the University of Stuttgart (HLRS). HLRS Director, Prof. Michael M. Resch, gave the group a guided tour of the computer rooms and the CAVE, which offered the guests some insight into the potential of virtual reality. A second group later joined the first to partake in talks at the Fraunhofer IAO.
The group was joined for lunch by Rector Prof. Wolfram Ressel and Dr. Wolfgang Holtkamp, the Senior Advisor International Affairs. Afterwards, the entire delegation continued to the research campus ARENA2036, where Chief Executive Peter Fröschle introduced the research activities carried out by ARENA and gave the group a guided tour through the new research factory.
The ATN Network brings together five of Australia’s top universities: the University of South Australia, the RMIT University, the Queensland University of Technology, the University of Technology Sydney and the Curtin University. Numerous long-standing active collaborations and agreements exist between the ATN and the TU9 member universities.
Approximately one fifth of all Australian students are enrolled at one of the ATN member universities. Together, these raise around two thirds of third-party research funds from the industrial sector and product users. Their research profiles cover a wide range of natural and industrial sciences.