Ever-increasing social and political demands clearly show the importance of the water sector, and the absolute necessity of ensuring the sustainable management of water resources and supply, particularly in developing countries and emerging nations, as well as in rapidly growing cities. The Master’s study program WAREM aims to satisfy these requirements by taking climate, demographic and political influences, constraints, and changes in international interests into consideration. It not only offers multidisciplinary engineers and scientists a further qualification, it also makes an important contribution to strengthening and supporting international scientific and expert cooperation in this sector.
The program focuses on the following subject areas:
- Groundwater management and geohydrology
- Hydraulic engineering and river management
- Urban water supply and sanitation and water quality management
The WAREM study program offers students the opportunity to take part in a dual honors degree, conducted in cooperation with the Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden.
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, or equivalent
- Educational or professional experience in either Hydraulics, Fluid Mechanics, or Waste Water
- Excellent knowledge of English (IELTS min. 6.0, TOEFL 79, CAE C)
- Plant and system planners in engineering offices and industrial companies
- Engineers within research and development departments in industry
- Environmental officers or quality managers
- Head of environmental water management facilities
- Consultant in testing and measuring institutes
- Employee or manager in local, national or international authorities or offices for the development and enforcement of environmental legislation
- Experts in national and international development organizations
- Scientists in universities and research institutions
WAREM offers a DOUBLE DEGREE program with Chalmers University, Sweden.
Studying abroad: what opportunities does my study program offer?
WAREM offers a DOUBLE DEGREE program with Chalmers University, Sweden.
Studying abroad: what opportunities does the University of Stuttgart have to offer?
Are you interested in going on exchange for a semester or two? Or would you rather do some research or attend a language course? Have you ever thought of joining a Summer School or planned an internship abroad? Whatever you have in mind for your exchange, the International Office will help you make your stay abroad an unforgettable experience. The first step will be to sign up online for our information sessions at the International Office that are offered on a regular basis. We look forward to your registration!
- Studying abroad
information sessions, partner universities, language requirements, application deadlines, scholarships
Application and admission: how do I get a place at the University?
Admission Requirements
- Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- High School Diploma (original translated (English or German) and validated)
- University transcript (original translated (English or German) and validated)
- University Diploma (original translated (English or German) and validated)
- Letter of University indicating maximum/minimum grading system
- Motivation letter
- Results of your English proficiency examination (validated copy) - English as medium of instruction is not accepted!!
Please note: Native speakers from USA, Ireland, UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada are exempted - Restricted admission (limited number of places)
- Recommendation letter(s)
- Working Certificate(s)
The complete information on the admission process, required knowledge of English, and the criteria for the assessment of professional suitability can be found in the admission regulations.
Language Requirements
Very good knowledge of English, non-Nativespeakers need a language certificate (IELTS min. 6.0, TOEFL 79, CAE C)
Application period for the winter semester: November 15 – February 15
The winter semester starts in October.
How is the program structured?
WAREM is a consecutive program. It comprises 120 ECTS which are generally obtained within three in-class semesters and a fourth semester dedicated to the Master’s Thesis (30 ECTS). The modules typically have a 6 ECTS value, however the compulsory seminar "Requirements of Professional life and Engineering in Practice" is worth 3 ECTS, as are two interdisciplinary key qualifications or learning German to Level A 2.1. "Short Courses" are offered as block courses worth 3 ECTS each.
After having completed the Master’s Program it is possible to deepen the acquired knowledge in the PhD program ENWAT (Environmental Water).
The Module Guide describes the modules and the required courses belonging to the module. The Module Guide (also called module handbook) is published in the Campus Management System C@MPUS (please click as follows: choose the degree - click on the book behind the study program's name).
The interdisciplinarity of the study program is provided by a close cooperation with the following institutions: IWS (Institute for Modelling Hydraulic and Environmental Systems), ISWA (Institute for Sanitary Engineering, Water Quality and Solid Waste Management), IGS (Institute of Engineering Geodesy) and ILPOE (Institute of Landscape Planning and Ecology).
The program benefits from excellent research institutions at the University of Stuttgart in the field of water management. For example, these include the research facility for examining restoring contaminated land and groundwater (VEGAS), which is the only one of its kind in Germany; the ISWA’s Teaching and Research Sewage Treatment Plant (LFKW); and a test hall for physical modelling in the field of hydraulic engineering. The program also offers numerous excursions in Germany and neighboring countries to visit hydraulic engineering facilities (e.g. hydroelectric power stations, sluices, wastewater treatment plants, water supply systems, renaturalization projects).
Important Websites

Eva Rosanne Veldman
M.A.WAREM Course Director