Mathematics is an essential tool of science. It teaches structured, logical thinking. Mathematics makes it possible to formulate abstract and practical problems, to simplify and to solve them. Its importance grows with society‘s increasing technization – all modern technologies would be impossible without mathematical achievements.
Building on the Bachelor’s studies, the Master’s study program teaches how to conduct scientific work and gives you insights into current research. The study program is designed for flexibility – students can choose lectures from the disciplines of algebra, analysis, geometry, numerical analysis, and stochastics.
A successfully completed Bachelor’s degree in mathematics, physics or mathematics-related field is a prerequisite. Possible gaps in basic mathematical knowledge can be filled during the Master’s program studies.
The remaining requirements are the same as for the mathematics B.A.: You must enjoy working with mathematics, delight in thinking and accuracy, and possess a faculty for abstraction as well as wanting to get to the bottom of things. Study of mathematics also requires being prepared for much hard work, discipline and having a high frustration threshold. The lecture material should be reviewed consistently and thoroughly and practice problems must be solved for deeper understanding. Applying the methods learned to developing your own solutions and proofs also plays a part in this.
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Contact for further questions

Friederike Stoll
Dr.Program Managment B.Sc./M.Sc./BA-Lehramt/M.Ed. Mathematik