Building physics must satisfy the conflicting demands on building structures posed by rapid progress in construction technology, rising customer expectations, and increasing functional challenges. A necessary qualification for planners hence is the ability to see building physics and how its branches interact holistically. These range from energy and biohygrothermal models through acoustics and lighting design to indoor climate control and fire safety.
Right here is where the continuing education Master: Online in Building Physics study program picks up. Not repairing but preventing structural damage instead is the goal of this program, which we offer in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP.
The study program is designed for architects and engineers currently working in civil engineering who are eager to continue their education in building physics in a practically-oriented, foundational, and comprehensive program that will allow them to study while they work. The study program is based on the blended learning principle and delivered over the Internet, making it location- and time-independent. It can be adapted to family obligations and can also facilitate resumption of an interrupted career.
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Contact for further questions
Holger Röseler
Dr.-Ing.Manager Master Online Bauphysik