Research Data Management for Catalysis Related Sciences
Catalysis is a very complex and interdisciplinary scientific field that enables the efficient production of a wide range of products for different industries and at different production scales. Thus, catalysis is one of the key technologies to address major challenges such as sustainable energy supply or climate change.To generate the highest possible added value from catalysis research, a fundamental shift in catalysis research and catalysis-related sciences such as chemical engineering and process engineering is required. Bringing together the different disciplines of catalysis in terms of data management is the key challenge.
Stuttgart @ NFDI4Cat
The High Performance Computing Center (HLRS) of the University of Stuttgart is a specialist in the field of research data management and contributes its many years of experience in the development of metadata/ontologies and the implementation of repositories as well as the management of data to the NFDI4Cat consortium. Other research projects at the University of Stuttgart, such as SFB 1333 and EXC2075, support the establishment of an integrated research data infrastructure for the fields of materials science, catalysis, analytics and modeling and develop tools for data-integrated simulation of chemo-enzymatic processes.

Michael Resch
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.h.c. Dr. h.c. Prof. e.h.Institutsleiter