stocksnap/Luis Llerena


Multilateral collaborations in the Digital Humanities field

In Stuttgart, the digital humanities field is distinguished by a multitude of projects and collaborations. Totally in keeping with the interdisciplinary orientation of digital humanities, it not only transcends institutional but also disciplinary barriers.


Dhimmis and Muslims - analysing multi-religious spaces in the medieval Muslim world

Beteiligte Stuttgart VIS

Historisches Seminar der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Mittelalterliche Geschichte

Laufzeit 2018-2021
Tags Qualitative Analyse, Quantitative Analyse; Interaktive Visuelle Analyse, Erstellung Datenbank
Das Forschungsprojekt befasst sich mit der Koexistenz von religiösen Gemeinschaften unterschiedlicher Konfession in islamischen Städten des mittelalterlichen Nahen Ostens. Solche Gemeinschaften, speziell Juden, Christen und Zoroastrier, akzeptierten eine niedrigere rechtliche Stellung, den Dhimmi-Status, und wurden im Gegenzug in islamischen Städten toleriert. Diese religiöse Vielseitigkeit ist in Städten des Mittelalters unter christlicher Herrschaft nicht zu finden.
Eine empirische Betrachtung dieser Vielseitigkeit ist bislang schwierig, da Informationen dazu verstreut in einer Vielzahl verschiedener Quellen in verschiedenen Sprachen vorliegen. In einer Kooperation von Informatikern und Historikern ist das Ziel diese Projekts die Erstellung einer umfassenden Datenbank. Die Entwicklung eines interaktiven Visualisierungsansatzes soll dabei die Sammlung historischer Quellen unterstützen und die Analyse der erhobenen Daten ermöglichen.

B6: Merkmale ästhetischer Reflexionsfiguren: Systematische Annotation und quantitative Analyse

Beteiligte Stuttgart IMS
Partner Universität Tübingen
Laufzeit 07-2019-06/2023
Tags Methoden, Quantitative Analyse, Tools

Als Teilprojekt des SFB 1391 „Andere Ästhetik“ nähert sich B6 der ,anderen‘ Ästhetik aus einer formalen Perspektive unter Verwendung von Methoden aus den Digital Humanities und der Computerlinguistik. In Kooperation mit drei Partnerprojekten aus dem SFB werden in B6 (a) kompatible Annotationsrichtlinien entwickelt, (b) Methoden zur automatischen Erkennung von ästhetischen Mitteln entwickelt und getestet sowie (c) die Re-Integration quantitativer Ergebnisse in hermeneutische Forschungsprozesse in den Partnerprojekten begleitet. Das Projekt liefert also eine konkrete Verankerung für konzeptuelle Diskussionen innerhalb des SFB in Form von textuellen Annotationen. Das Projekt arbeitet zudem mit der Operationalisierung komplexer und kontextabhängiger Konzepte an einer wiederkehrenden Herausforderung in den Digital Humanities.

Computational Event Evaluation based on Appraisal Theories for Emotion Analysis (CEAT)

Associates in Stuttgart IMS
Duration 2021–2023
Tags Quantitative Analys
Emotion analysis has typically been formulated as text classification task in which predefined emotion labels are assigned to textual units. The label set commonly follows the set of basic emotions as proposed by Ekman (Anger, Fear, Joy, Surprise, Sadness, Disgust) or Plutchik (adding Trust and Anticipation) or the valence-arousal-dominance model. This constitutes a gap between the state of research in psychology and computational linguistics, as the appraisal theories are widely accepted, but have not been used so far for emotion analysis in text. With CEAT, we fill this gap and develop computational models of the cognitive appraisal of events and, to a lesser degree, of bodily symptoms and action tendencies. To represent the cognitive appraisal, we build on top of Smith/Ellsworth’s (1985) work who show that the variables pleasantness, responsibility, certainty, attention, effort and situational control are sufficient to discriminate between a set of 15 emotions. In this project, we create two approaches to assign these appraisal dimensions to textual event descriptions, firstly by building on top of semantic parsing and secondly in a deep learning setting. Based on these dimensions, we then predict the emotion associated with the textual fragment. This will lead to models that can automatically assign an emotion to an event description, even if no emotion words or self reports of feeling are available.

Automatic Claim Checking of Bio-Medical Information in Social Media and Scientific Literature (FIBISS)

Associates in Stuttgart IMS
Laufzeit 2021–2023
Tags Quantitative Analys
Most research on methods and models for automatic fact checking, which can distinguish misinformation and desinformation from correct information, focus on the news domain. News, including those shared in
social media spaces, are checked for their truthfulness.Such methods have not been developed for the biomedical domain yet. Challenges include the richness of (established) sources of information, the complexity of information, as well as the differences between the language of experts and medical laypeople.In this project, we develop information extraction systems for laypeople and expert language, map the extracted information onto each other and finally check their truthfulness, based on established sources.The project combines therefore methods from transfer learning, information extraction, and fact checking for the biomedical domain, especially in social media.

MARDY: Modelling Argumentation Dynamics in Political Discourse

Associates in Stuttgart IMS
Partners SOCIUM (Universität Bremen)
Duration 03/2018 - 02/2021
Tags Quantitative Analys, Qualitative Analys
Die interdisziplinäre Kooperation zwischen Computerlinguistik, Maschinellem Lernen und Politikwissenschaft soll Modelle und Methoden für die computergestützte Argumentationsanalyse im politischen Diskurs entwickeln, die besonders die Dynamik erfassen, mit der sich der diskursive Austausch zu kontroversen Themen über die Zeit entfaltet. Ziel ist es, den zu erwartenden Einfluss von Argumenten unterschiedlicher AkteurInnen  auf den weiteren Verlauf einer Debatte abzuschätzen.

OcEx - Oceanic Exchanges

Associates in Stuttgart IMS,
Partner Northeastern University,
North Carolina State University,
University of Nebraska Lincoln,
Nationale Autonome Universität von Mexiko,
Universiteit Utrecht,
University of Turku,
University of Edinburgh,
University of Loughborough,
University College London
Duration 10/2017 - 09/2019
Tags Quantitative Analysis,
Qualitative Analysis
, Research Infrastructure

The dramatic expansion of newspapers over the 19th century created a global culture of abundant, rapidly circulating information. The significance of the newspaper has largely been defined in metropolitan and national terms in scholarship, while digitization by local institutions further situates newspapers in national contexts. OcEx brings together leading efforts in computational periodicals research from six countries—Finland, Germany, Mexico, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, and the United States—to examine patterns of information flow across national and linguistic boundaries.

Through computational analysis, OcEx also crosses the boundaries that separate digitized newspaper corpora to illustrate the global connectedness of 19th century newspapers. OcEx uncovers how the international was refracted through the local as news, advice, vignettes, popular science, poetry, fiction, and more. By linking research across large-scale digital newspaper collections, OcEx offers a model for data custodians that host large-scale humanities data.

CRETA - Center for Reflected Text Analytics

Associates in Stuttgart IMS
Duration 01/2016 - 12/2020
Tags Methods reflexion
Quantitative Analysis
Qualitative Analysis
The “Center for Reflected Text Analytics” (CRETA) focuses on the development of technical tools and a general workflow methodology for text analysis within Digital Humanities. Of particular importance is the transparency of tools and traceability of results, such that they can be employed in a critically-reflected way. CRETA is a collaboration project with partners from studies of literature, language, history, politics, philosophy, and computational linguistics and data visualization.


Associates in Stuttgart SRCTS
Stuttgart Research Centre for Text Studies

Partner German Seminar, University of Heidelberg
Duration 04/2017 - 02/2020
Tags Quantitative Analysis,
Qualitative Analysis
QuaDramA aims to extend the possibilities for large-scale analysis of dramas focusing the dramatic figure. More than 600 German dramas, mainly from 1740 to 1920, will be examined by integrating structure analysis with content analysis of the figure speech. This integration is enabled by the use of tools for natural language processing (NLP), which are domain-adapted to this specific text type. The planned integration is not a trivial task, because speech content and dramatic structure are very different sources of information that need to be analysed jointly and in a systematic way in order to provide added value for the literary interpretation. The project will empirically analyse different aspects of figures in dramas and relate empirical findings to existing drama-historic theories.
QuaDramA was funded in the first project phase from 2017 to 2020 by the VolkswagenStiftung; since 2020 we continue the project under the umbrella and with the support of the DFG priority program Computational Literary Studies under the name QuaDramA - Q:Track.

eIdentity - Multiple kollektive Identitäten in internationalen Debatten um Krieg und Frieden seit dem Ende des Kalten Krieges. Sprachtechnologische Werkzeuge und Methoden für die Analyse mehrsprachiger Textmengen in den Sozialwissenschaften (abgeschlossen)

Associates in Stuttgart VIS
Partner IWIST Hildesheim
ACLDL Potsdam
Duration 05/2012 - 04/2015
Tags Quantitative Analysis
Network Analysis
Visualization and Presentation
Methods and Tools
The eIdentity project is constituted by the University of Stuttgart, the University of Hildesheim and the University of Potsdam. We are concerned with the question of multiple collective identities evolve in political crises and how the identity discourses change over time. The studies are based on a large corpus of newspaper articles in three different languages.

ePoetics - Korpuserschließung und Visualisierung deutschsprachiger Poetiken (1770- 1960) für den „Algorithmic criticism“(abgeschlossen)

Associates in Stuttgart VIS
Partner ISL TU Darmstadt
Duration 03/2013 - 02/2016
Tags Quantitative Analysis
Qualitative Analysis
Methods and Tools
Corpus building and visualization of German poetics (1770-1960) for „Algorithmic Criticism"

Lyrik des deutschen Mittelalters

Associates in Stuttgart ILW
Partner GK Uni Erlangen
Duration 2017 - 2026
Tags Digital Editions and Databases

LEO-BW - Landeskunde entdecken online

Associates in Stuttgart HIST LG
Partner Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg u.v.m
Duration /
Tags Digital Editions and Databases,
Visualization and Presentation


MUSE - Muster Suchen und Erkennen

Associates in Stuttgart IAAS
Duration  /
Tags Quantitative Analysis
Methods and Tools
MUSE is a clothes- and costume repository supporting to capture, store and analyze clothes and costumes. The concrete costumes occurring in films can be captured in their relevant details and analyzed to identify abstract costume patterns. Based on comprehensive taxonomies of costume relevant parameters MUSE enables advanced query- and analysis capabilities on concrete costumes. This supports the detection of costume patterns. Costume patterns are defined as an abstracted solution to determine an adequate textile expression of a film character.

Themenportal Der Sturm

Associates in Stuttgart SRCTS
Partner Staatsbibliothek Berlin
KG Uni Frankfurt
AdW Mainz
AdW Brandenburg
UB Heidelberg
Duration /
Tags Digital Editions and Databases

Quantitative Literaturwissenschaft

Associates in Stuttgart SRCTS
Duration 2014 - 03/2020
Tags Quantitative Analysis
Qualitative Textanalyse

Adorno: Ästhetische Theorie

Associates in Stuttgart SRCTS
Duration /
Tags Digital Editions and Databases

Das digitale Archiv (abgeschlossen)

Associates in Stuttgart ILW
Partner DLA Marbach
Duration 2013 - 2016
Tags Teaching

SFB 732 Incremental Specification in Context (abgeschlossen)

Associates in Stuttgart IMS
Duration 2006 - 2018
Tags Quantitative Analysis
Methods and Tools

The scientific goal of the SFB 732 is to achieve a better understanding of the mechanisms that lead to ambiguity control/disambiguation as well as the enrichment of missing/incomplete information and to develop methods that are able to fully describe these mechanisms. The basic hypothesis in the SFB is that such processes generally involve specification of an underspecified input. Our research involves statistical, rule-based, comparative and corpus-based methods, to which we will add  experimental methods in the second phase of funding.

Prosopographische Datenbank von Maschinenbauern (abgeschlossen)

Associates in Stuttgart HIST GNT
Duration /
Tags Digital Editions and Databases


Database of Scientific Illustrators (abgeschlossen)

Associates in Stuttgart HIST GNT
Duration /
Tags Digital Editions and Databases

Our online database, fully functioning since 2011, now already covers more than 12400 illustrators in natural history, medicine, technology and various sciences in more than 100 countries, active between c.1450 and 1950! Please note that we explicitly exclude still living illustrators.


Associates in Stuttgart SRCTS
Duration /
Tags Digital Editions and Databases


CLARIN-D für die Sozialwissenschaften

Associates in Stuttgart SOWI
Partner CLARIN-D
Duration /
Tags Research Infrastructure

Humanities, Cultural and Social Sciences work with sources which are either produced by the projects themselves, collected, or taken from archives. CLARIN-D is a research infrastructure that helps researchers of Humanities, Cultural and Social Sciences with accessing, preparing and analysing of research data. CLARIN-D also offers information on a wide range of topics, including teaching material, help on data management plans and other, discipline-specific support.

CLARIN centre type B

Associates in Stuttgart IMS
Partner CLARIN-D
Duration /
Tags Research Infrastructure

The goal of the CLARIN-D is to provide a research infrastructure for the social sciences and humanities that helps researchers with accessing, depositing and analysing data. CLARIN-D is part of the pan-European CLARIN-initiative. The centre at IMS is an officially certified CLARIN centre type B and hosts a data repository which complies with the regulations of the Data Seal of Approval (in 2018 amended to Core Trust Seal).

Stuttgart Research Focus Language and Cognition

Associates in Stuttgart LING
SRF Language and Cognition
Duration /
Tags Quantitative Analysis

The Stuttgart Research Focus (SRF) is an interdisciplinary institution at the University of Stuttgart. The SRF encourages interdisciplinary research in the areas of linguistics and cognition. The central aspect of the SRF is a collaboration of theoretical linguistics (Linguistics Department) and computational linguistics (Institute for Natural Language Processing)—a unique structure in the German-speaking world.

DebateExplorer (abgeschlossen)

Associates in Stuttgart IMS
Partner Eva Wolfangel
Duration 01/2016 - 08/2016
Tags Quantitative Analysis
Methods and Tools

The Stuttgart Research Focus (SRF) is an interdisciplinary institution at the University of Stuttgart. The SRF encourages interdisciplinary research in the areas of linguistics and cognition. The central aspect of the SRF is a collaboration of theoretical linguistics (Linguistics Department) and computational linguistics (Institute for Natural Language Processing)—a unique structure in the German-speaking world.


Associates in Stuttgart IMS
Partner Helge Steenweg (UB Stuttgart)
Stefan Wesner (KIZ Ulm)
Duration 01/2016 - 06/2019
Tags Methods and Tools
Research Infrastructure



Malte Heckelen


Responsible for Website Management / Academic Staff, Department Digital Humanities

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