Themenheft Forschung Ausgabe 2 / 2005

Thema: Photonics
Hinweis: Diese Ausgabe ist ausschließlich englischsprachig.

Themenheft Forschung 2



Photon technology (pdfpdf-305KB)

Berthold Leibinger


Research on lasers and laser applications

(pdfpdf-421 KB)
Peter Berger, Friedrich Dausinger, Adolf Giese, Thomas Graf

Silicon-based photodetectors for high-speed integrated optical receivers

Manfred Berroth, Michael Jutzi, Erich Kasper

Coputer-generated holograms

A flexible way to control light
Tobias Heist, Christof Pruss, Wolfgang Osten


Atom optics

Coherent atom sources and applications
Sven Hensler, Tilman Pfau, Jürgen Stuhler

Semicomductor single-photon sources


Mohamed Benyoucef, Peter Michler, Sven Marcus Ulrich


THz radiation


The no-man's-land between optics and electronics

Martin Dressel, Bruno Gompf


White light lasers and their applications


Harald Giessen, Felix Hoos, Jörg Teipel


Photons and photonics in solar cells and photodiodes


Jürgen Köhler, Uwe Rau, Marcus B. Schubert, Jürgen H. Werner

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