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Stuttgart Incentives

The Chair and the Institute for "Electrical Systems" in Stuttgart

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United Secondary and Vocational School Vocational School Polytechnical School Polytechnic Royal College of Technology College of Technology Universität Stuttgart

Electrical engineering in Stuttgart

Before 1936 there were only three chairs within the field of electrical engineering at Stuttgart College of Technology: Theoretical Electrical Engineering, Power Engineering and Light-Current Electrical Engineering. In 1936 Power Engineering and Light-Current Electrical Engineering were each sub-divided into two new subjects. The Chair of Power Engineering was split into the chairs of Electrical Systems and Electrical Machines. Adolf Leonhard, who had a great deal of experience in constructing and operating large-scale technical systems from the time he had spent at the Siemens-Schuckert works, was appointed to the Chair of Electrical Systems even before he had fully been awarded his post-doctoral qualification.

During the appointment procedure Leonhard was promised a new Power Engineering Institute, the planning for which began in 1937. Due to difficulties in choosing the construction site, building was delayed and then completely shelved when the war began.

The two assistants that Leonhard had from the outset were also involved in planning the new institute, in addition to their normal teaching duties.


Start of chapter Next section
An electrifying tale
Difficult early years
Chair and institute
  Electrical engineering in Stuttgart
  Wartime activities
  Phoenix out of the ashes
  New roads
"A marriage of theory and practice"
Biography: Adolf Leonhard
Incentive timeline