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Stuttgart Incentives

The virus on its way to Germany

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United Secondary and Vocational School Vocational School Polytechnical School Polytechnic Royal College of Technology College of Technology Universität Stuttgart

The tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) had long been a familiar object of research in other countries before it became the focus of interest in Germany in 1935. Moreover, the tobacco mosaic virus had already been identified as the first non-bacterial pathogen. This discovery marked the beginning of the science of virology.



Start of Incentive Next section
The university gets the bug
The virus on its way to Germany
  The viral puzzle begins
  The chemical nature of the virus
  The virus reaches Berlin
A stopover in Tübingen
A university makes plans
The virus has more secrets to reveal
The virus takes to the air
"Wonderful street-car meeting"
A virus isn't that easy to get rid of
Biography: Karl-Wolfgang Mundry
Incentive timeline