Käte Hamburger built bridges between philosophy and literature studies, and made major contributions to literary theory and aesthetics.
9/21/1896 |
Born in Hamburg |
1917 |
Completes schooling at Hamburg Girls' Grammar School, studies Art History, History and Literary History in Berlin as one of the first women to study in Germany |
1918 |
Moves to Munich University, studies Philosophy |
20er |
Lives in Hamburg, meets Ernst Cassirer at Hamburg University, who forwards her work "Novalis and mathematics" to the German Quarterly for the History of the Humanities and Literary Studies |
February 1922 |
Awarded PhD for her thesis on "Schiller's analysis of human nature as the basis of his philosophy of history and culture" |
1928 |
Private assistant to the philosopher Paul Hofmann in Berlin, an Associate Professor at Berlin University |
1932 |
Meets Thomas Mann after having published her work "Thomas Mann and Romanticism" the same year |
1934 - 1956 |
Emigrates to and lives in Sweden, works as a journalist, writer and German language teacher |
1956 |
Invited by Fritz Martini, Full Professor of Literature and Aesthetics, to Stuttgart College of Technology |
1956 |
Awarded post-doctoral degree at the age of 60 for "The Logic of Literature" |
1957 |
Professor of Literature and Aesthetics at Stuttgart College of Technology. Is no longer a Full Professor due to her age, and only works within the so-called "educational subjects" and the General Studies programme |
1977 |
Becomes an emeritus professor of the University of Stuttgart |
1980 |
Awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Siegen |
1989 |
Awarded the Schiller Memorial Prize of the State of Baden-Württemberg |
1989 |
Awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Göttingen |
1990 |
Invited to Bonn by German Federal President Richard von Weizsäcker |
4/8/1992 |
Dies in Stuttgart |
4/1/1999 |
"Käte Hamburger Way" is officially opened on the campus of the Georg August University of Göttingen |