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Stuttgart Incentives

Biography: Käte Hamburger (1896 - 1992)

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Käte Hamburger built bridges between philosophy and literature studies, and made major contributions to literary theory and aesthetics.

9/21/1896 Born in Hamburg
1917 Completes schooling at Hamburg Girls' Grammar School, studies Art History, History and Literary History in Berlin as one of the first women to study in Germany
1918 Moves to Munich University, studies Philosophy
20er Lives in Hamburg, meets Ernst Cassirer at Hamburg University, who forwards her work "Novalis and mathematics" to the German Quarterly for the History of the Humanities and Literary Studies
February 1922 Awarded PhD for her thesis on "Schiller's analysis of human nature as the basis of his philosophy of history and culture"
1928 Private assistant to the philosopher Paul Hofmann in Berlin, an Associate Professor at Berlin University
1932 Meets Thomas Mann after having published her work "Thomas Mann and Romanticism" the same year
1934 - 1956 Emigrates to and lives in Sweden, works as a journalist, writer and German language teacher
1956 Invited by Fritz Martini, Full Professor of Literature and Aesthetics, to Stuttgart College of Technology
1956 Awarded post-doctoral degree at the age of 60 for "The Logic of Literature"
1957 Professor of Literature and Aesthetics at Stuttgart College of Technology. Is no longer a Full Professor due to her age, and only works within the so-called "educational subjects" and the General Studies programme
1977 Becomes an emeritus professor of the University of Stuttgart
1980 Awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Siegen
1989 Awarded the Schiller Memorial Prize of the State of Baden-Württemberg
1989 Awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Göttingen
1990 Invited to Bonn by German Federal President Richard von Weizsäcker
4/8/1992 Dies in Stuttgart
4/1/1999 "Käte Hamburger Way" is officially opened on the campus of the Georg August University of Göttingen
How "Beauty" came to Stuttgart
Friedrich Theodor Vischer ... in Tübingen
... in Stuttgart
... and aesthetics
Käte Hamburger: ... Epic preterite
... Aesthetic truth
Max Bense: ... Programming beauty
... Aesthetics and technology
The legacy of aesthetics
Biography: Friedrich Theodor Vischer
Biography: Käte Hamburger
Biography: Max Bense
Incentive timeline