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Biography: Max Bense (1910 - 1990)

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Bense worked as Professor of Theory of Science at Stuttgart College of Technology from 1950 onwards, where he founded his numerically-based aesthetics.

2/7/1910 Born in Strasbourg, grows up in Cologne
Studies Mathematics, Physics, Philosophy and Geology
1937 Receives Dr. phil. nat. at the Rhineland Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn for his thesis "Quantum mechanics and the relativity of existence"
1937 After completing his doctorate Bense is employed as a physicist at the I.G. Farben works in Leverkusen, yet intends to emigrate to America
1942 - 1945 Works as a physicist and mathematician at the Dr. Hollmann Electrical Engineering Institute in Berlin and Georgienthal
1945 Appointed Curator (today: Chancellor) of the University of Jena with the right to give lectures
1946 Completes post-doctoral thesis at the University of Jena
1948 Leaves the University of Jena and the Soviet occupied zone due to the anti-academic attitude of the Communist dictatorship, leaving all his possessions behind and with no prospects of a new post in the West
1948 Attacked by the political regime in the East: the "Bense affair"
August 1948 After fleeing to the West, Bense is made Vice-President of the Rhenish Cultural Institute in Koblenz, founded by the French; lectures in the Rhineland, writes articles for the "Mainzer Allgemeine Zeitung", works for the newly founded broadcasting corporat
1949 Professorship advertised at Stuttgart College of Technology for the subject of Science-based Philosophy, for which Max Bense, Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker and Pascual Jordan apply. Bense is given the post
1949 Visiting Professor of Philosophy and Economic Theory at the Department of Sciences and Educational Subjects at Stuttgart College of Technology
10/1/1950 Associate Professor
1950 Co-founder of the General Studies programme
1954 - 1960 "Aesthetica" (4 volumes)
1956 Stuttgart College of Technology is allowed to award doctorates in Philosophy thanks to the active involvement of Max Bense and Fritz Martini, a prerequisite for the college later becoming Universität Stuttgart
1957 Founds the Study Gallery at Stuttgart College of Technology, the first gallery to exhibit computer graphics
1962 "The Theory of Texts"
5/18/1966 Full Professor. His work focuses on information theory as a foundation for aesthetics, and on machine-generated texts
1967 "Semiotics"
1975 "Semiotic Processes and Systems"
March 1978 Made emeritus professor
1979 "The improbability of aesthetics"
1988 Bense's doctoral degree is renewed (Golden Doctoral Degree) by the University of Bonn for his achievements in the fields of semiotic and information theory aesthetics
4/29/1990 Dies in Stuttgart
How "Beauty" came to Stuttgart
Friedrich Theodor Vischer ... in Tübingen
... in Stuttgart
... and aesthetics
Käte Hamburger: ... Epic preterite
... Aesthetic truth
Max Bense: ... Programming beauty
... Aesthetics and technology
The legacy of aesthetics
Biography: Friedrich Theodor Vischer
Biography: Käte Hamburger
Biography: Max Bense
Incentive timeline