Bense worked as Professor of Theory of Science at Stuttgart College of Technology from 1950 onwards, where he founded his numerically-based aesthetics.
2/7/1910 |
Born in Strasbourg, grows up in Cologne |
Studies Mathematics, Physics, Philosophy and Geology |
1937 |
Receives Dr. phil. nat. at the Rhineland Friedrich Wilhelm University of Bonn for his thesis "Quantum mechanics and the relativity of existence" |
1937 |
After completing his doctorate Bense is employed as a physicist at the I.G. Farben works in Leverkusen, yet intends to emigrate to America |
1942 - 1945 |
Works as a physicist and mathematician at the Dr. Hollmann Electrical Engineering Institute in Berlin and Georgienthal |
1945 |
Appointed Curator (today: Chancellor) of the University of Jena with the right to give lectures |
1946 |
Completes post-doctoral thesis at the University of Jena |
1948 |
Leaves the University of Jena and the Soviet occupied zone due to the anti-academic attitude of the Communist dictatorship, leaving all his possessions behind and with no prospects of a new post in the West |
1948 |
Attacked by the political regime in the East: the "Bense affair" |
August 1948 |
After fleeing to the West, Bense is made Vice-President of the Rhenish Cultural Institute in Koblenz, founded by the French; lectures in the Rhineland, writes articles for the "Mainzer Allgemeine Zeitung", works for the newly founded broadcasting corporat |
1949 |
Professorship advertised at Stuttgart College of Technology for the subject of Science-based Philosophy, for which Max Bense, Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker and Pascual Jordan apply. Bense is given the post |
1949 |
Visiting Professor of Philosophy and Economic Theory at the Department of Sciences and Educational Subjects at Stuttgart College of Technology |
10/1/1950 |
Associate Professor |
1950 |
Co-founder of the General Studies programme |
1954 - 1960 |
"Aesthetica" (4 volumes) |
1956 |
Stuttgart College of Technology is allowed to award doctorates in Philosophy thanks to the active involvement of Max Bense and Fritz Martini, a prerequisite for the college later becoming Universität Stuttgart |
1957 |
Founds the Study Gallery at Stuttgart College of Technology, the first gallery to exhibit computer graphics |
1962 |
"The Theory of Texts" |
5/18/1966 |
Full Professor. His work focuses on information theory as a foundation for aesthetics, and on machine-generated texts |
1967 |
"Semiotics" |
1975 |
"Semiotic Processes and Systems" |
March 1978 |
Made emeritus professor |
1979 |
"The improbability of aesthetics" |
1988 |
Bense's doctoral degree is renewed (Golden Doctoral Degree) by the University of Bonn for his achievements in the fields of semiotic and information theory aesthetics |
4/29/1990 |
Dies in Stuttgart |