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Stelluti, Francesco
Dates of birth and death: 1577 in Fabriano - 1652
Also known as: F. S. ;
Worked for: Frederico Cesi (1585-1630) ; Persio (Rom 1630) ; Trattato del legno fossile minerale nuovamente scoperto (Rom 1637) ; Tractatus de ligno fossili minerali noviter detecto (1670) ;

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Stender, E.
Dates of birth and death: 1926 fl. - 1945 fl.
Also known as: E. S. ;
Worked for: Johann Wilhelm Michaelsen (1860-1937) & Robert Hartmeyer (1860-1937); Georg Balthasar von Neumayer (1826-1909);Ergebnisse der in dem Atlantischen Ocean von Mitte Juli bis Anfang November 1889 ausgeführten Plankton-Expedition der Humboldt-Stiftung (Kiel & Leipzig 1892-1926): Vol. Fa: Die Cephalopoden (1912) ; Bror Yngve Sjöstedt (1866-1948);

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Stengel, Johann Rudolf
Dates of birth and death: 1824 in Berne - 1857
Also known as: J. R. S. ;
Worked for: with cartographer -> Johannes Wild (1814-1894) for -> Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz (1807-1873); Guyot, Arnold [Henri] (1807-1884) & [Pierre Jean] Edouard Désor (1811-1882): Nouvelles études et expériences sur les glaciers actuels, leur structure, leur progression et leur action physique sur le sol (Paris: Masson & Cie. Éditeurs, 1847, 2 volumes) ; Swiss military officer, structural engineer and topographer Guillaume Henri Dufour (1787-1875) ; "Siegfriedkarte im Tessin" ;

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Stennett, Ralph
Dates of birth and death: 1805 fl. - 1819 fl.
Also known as: R. S. ;
Worked for: David Don ;

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Stenstrom, William J.
Dates of birth and death: 1926 in Washington - 2010
Also known as: W. J. S. ;
Worked for: Frank C. Bell: Atlas of the Peripheral Retina (1983) ;

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Stenzel, Karl Gustav Wilhelm ?
Dates of birth and death: 1826 - 1905
Also known as: K. G. W. S. ; Gustav Stenzel ;
Worked for: Heinrich Robert Goeppert (1800-1884) ;

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Stenzel, Fritz
Dates of birth and death: 1966 fl. -  
Also known as: F. S. ;
Worked for: Makatsch, Wolfgang (1906-1983): Die Vögel in Haus, Hof und Garten (Radebeul: Neumann-Verlag, 1956, 5th edition: 1968) & Die Vögel in Wald und Heide (Radebeul: Neumann, 1959; 2nd edition: 1962, 3rd edition: 1965) & Die Vögel in Feld und Flur (Radebeul: Neumann, 1953; 2nd edition: 1955, 3rd edition: 1960, 4th edition: 1963) ;

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Step, Mabel E. °
Dates of birth and death: 1900 fl. -  
Also known as: M. E. S. ;
Worked for: Edward Step (1855-1931) ;

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Dates of birth and death: 1843 fl. -  
Also known as:  
Worked for: Flora Brasiliensis (Monachii ; Vindobonae ; Lipsiae 1840-1906) ;

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Stephens, Henry Louis
Dates of birth and death: 1824 in Philadelphia - 1882
Also known as: H. L. S. ;
Worked for: Journal of the Academy of natural sciences of Philadelphia. 2. Series (1847-1912) ;

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