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Stuttgart Incentives

Timeline 1829 - 1832: United Secondary and Vocational School

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United Secondary and Vocational School Vocational School Polytechnical School Polytechnic Royal College of Technology College of Technology Universität Stuttgart

The origins of what is now the Universität Stuttgart lie in the wish to found a vocational school with the aim of providing a general technical education for people who wanted to take up the profession of a salesman, manufacturer or master builder. As industrialisation began in Württemberg, this need became ever more pressing, leading to a series of plans being drawn up from around 1815 onwards for a vocational institution of this kind. Developments abroad had also set a trend, in particular the foundation of the École Polytechnique in Paris. Yet in Württemberg no one saw the necessity for a fully developed school of this kind, nor were any means of funding available.

The obvious compromise in view of the circumstances was to add two senior forms to the existing Secondary School. Two new senior teachers were employed, one for Geometry and Architecture, the other for Chemistry and Mechanics. This was the birth of the United Secondary and Vocational School. Teaching began in the autumn of 1829 with 57 pupils.

The majority of pupils were studying towards careers in the building trade, commerce or the military. One particular group of pupils was the so-called "winter pupils", taken mainly from the building trade, who only took part in classes during the winter.
The school subjects – which were also taught by secondary school teachers – included Physics, Chemistry, Geometry, Drawing (ranging from Technical to Freehand), Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, and also Accounting and Management, German Stylistics, English and French.

1829 Foundation as United Secondary and Vocational School
Start of teaching in 2 classes with 57 pupils aged 13 to 14; the first "university" building is the Officers of the Guards Pavilion at Königstraße 12
1832 Separation of Secondary and Vocational School


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