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   Bauza / Bauzá y Cañas
   F. B. y C. ; Felipe Bauzá y Cañas / F. Bauza y Canas ;
   1764 in Palma de Mallorca
   1834, not 1833 or 1841 as is sometimes claimed
   London, England
   initially trained as navy soldier at Escuela de Navegación y de Pilotos at Cartegena; later stipend for study in Munich 1815
   expeditionist Alejandro Malaspina (1754-1809) as cartographer aboard Descubierta ; José Espinosa; Carta Esférica del Río de la Plata desde su desembocadura hasta Buenos-Ayres ; Plano del puerto de Cádiz; Carta esferica de la parte int. de la América meridional (1794) ;
   Academia de Guardias Marinas de Cádiz (drawing master 1880s); Déposito Hidrográfico Madrid (1815 director)
   artist José del Pozo ; engraver Brambila ;
   topographical, and ethnographic drawing, pencil, ink, watercolour, and painting ; cartographical map-making ; ; ;
   British Library; Jardin Botanico Madrid; ; ;
   AKL 7 1993: 645 ; Serrano 1982 ; Journal of the Malaspina Expedition 1789-94 (London 2001-4, vol. 1: xl-xli, 223 & 270 / vol. 2: 28 / vol. 3: 236, 335-6 & 377f. ;
   geographer, astronomer, captain. Landscapes. Cadiz, political exil in England. On expedition to New Spain 1788-94 as lieutenant in charge of charting; established lithogr. workshop at Hydrographic Office 1818; also active in Gibraltar & Menorca 1779-82, Algiers 1783-4, Portugal & Galicia, Argentine

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