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   Johann Georg Adam
   G. F. ; George Forster / John George / botanical shortname: G. Forst ;
   Marie Therese Heyne (1764-1829) in 1785
   3 daughters
   1754 Nassenhuben/Danzig, Mokry Dwór, Poland
   naturalist, scientist & reformed pastor Johann Reinhold Forster Forster (1729-1778)
   mother Justina Elisabeth, née Nicolai ; sister Victoria (1757-?)
   natural history drawing lessons from father, whom he accompanied in an expedition to Russia 1765; medicine at Halle Univ
   James Cook (1728-1779); Joseph Banks ; Forster: Reise Welt (1778-80) ; G. & R. Forster: Caractres gen plantarum (1772-5) ; R. F.: Hist. Aptenodytae (1781) ; Mem Albatros (1785) ; Anders Sparrman ; Johann Christian Daniel Schreber (1739-1810) ; James Edward Cox
(1833-1912) ; Johann Reinhold Forster (1729-1798)
   British Museum ; Gotha Herzog Ernst III ;
   Johann Reinhold Forster (father) ; naturalist and draughtsman ->William Ellis ; engraver ->Daniel Mackenzie ; artist William Hodges ; Viktoria Forster ; anatomist S. Th. Soemmerring (1755-1830), see M.Wenzel et al: Soemmerring. Naturforscher der Goethezeit in Kassel (1988) ;
   natural history, botanical, and zoological pencil drawing, watercolour painting ; hand-colouring ; ; ; ;
   Mitchel Library Sydney ; Natural History Museum London ; Cook-Forster-Collection in Völkerkundliches Museum Göttingen ; National Maritime Museum ;
   AKL 42 2004: 449 ; Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 ; P. J. P. Whitehead: Forster collection zool., in: Bulletin Brit. Mus. Nat. History 6, 2 (1978): 25-47 ; Lysaght, ibid. 1959 ; A. Kaeppler: James Cook und die Entdeckung der Südsee (2009: 49f., 54, 63ff., 93, 166, 209, 224 & 229 ; G. F. Werke ; Rice 1999: chap. 6; Rice 2010, chap. 6 ; Jackson 1994: 11, 13 & 118f. ; Magee 2009 ; Ludw. Uhlig: Forster (Tübingen 1965) ; Haffer, Hudde & Hillcoat 2014: 97; Julia Carina Böttcher: Beobachtung als Lebensart. Praktiken der Wissensproduktion bei Forschungsreisen im 18. Jh. (Stuttgart2020): chap. 7, 417, 410
   Naturalist, ethnologist, journalist, essayist, and political revolutionary; on board of Cook's ship "Resolution" 1772-5 ; see also , ,,contains,Forster,%20georg ;

Further Places of Activity: Poland, Lithuania, Austria, Russia, and France.

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