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   Pozo Ximénez
   J. d. P. X. ; Josef de el Pozo Ximenez ;
   María Antonia Hernández
   1757 c. in Lucena, Córdoba, Spain
   painter Pedro del Pozo (1xxx-1785), director Real Escuela de Bellas Artes Sevilla
   mother: María Ximénez; artist family: Barnabé Ximénez de Illescas
   pupil of Muvillo at Real Escuela de Bellas Artes de Sevilla
   explorer Alessandro Malaspina ; botanist Luis Née ; Antonio Pineda y Ramírez ;
   King Carlos III ; Academia in Sevilla (curator 1786-9) ; Francisco de Bruna; José Fernando de Abascal y Sousa marqués de la Concordia & viceroy of P
   artist ->José Guío ; artist ->Felipe Bauzá ;
   botanical, landscape, and zoological watercolour painting, mapmaking, topographical, perspectival drawing, ink wash, pencil, charcoal, and red chalk ; ; 19
   Museo Naval de Madrid
   AKL ; Serrano: Los Pintores de la expedición de A. Malaspina 1982, vol. 1: 68-75 ; Humboldt, Kutzinski & Ette: Political Essay Cuba 2011: 404 ; Bleichmar 2012: 16-20 ; Puig-Samper 2012 ; Journal of the Malaspina Exp. 1789-94 (London 2001-4, vol. 1: xlvi, 86 & 138ff., vol. 3: 351) ;
   Draughtsman of Pacific States Expedition 1789-91, opened a private art studio in Lima; dropped his claim to curator post in Sevilla 1794. Argentina, Falkland Islands, Chile
   81855020 ?

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