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Biography: Friedrich Theodor Vischer (1807 - 1887)

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In 1869 Vischer was made senior teacher at Stuttgart Polytechnical School in the newly founded German Literature and Aesthetics teaching and research institute.

6/30/1807 Born in Ludwigsburg as the son of a vicar
1814 Attends the Illustre Grammar School in Stuttgart (now Eberhard Ludwig Grammar School)
1821 Attends Monastery School in Blaubeuren
1825 Studies Theology at the Tübingen Seminary
1830 Made curate in Horrheim near Vaihingen
1831 Seminary assistant in Heilbronn
1833 Seminary assistant in Tübingen
1836 Completes post-doctoral thesis entitled "On the sublime and the ridiculous"
1837 Associate Professor of German Literature and Aesthetics at Tübingen University
1843 Educational travels through Greece and Italy
1844 - 1855 Marriage to Thekla Heinzel
1844 Full Professor at Tübingen University
1844 - 1846 Suspended for his overly outspoken inaugural speech (against the Church and Pietism) on the occasion of his becoming a Full Professor
1846 - 1857 Six-volume work on the fundaments of aesthetics: "Aesthetics or the science of beauty"
1847 Son Robert is born
1847 Returns to Tübingen University
1848 Member of parliament for the Left-Wing Democrats in the Frankfurt National Assembly (St. Paul's Church), represents the constituency of Reutlingen/Urach in parliament
1855 Professor at Zurich Polytechnic
Friendships with Eduard Mörike (holds a speech on the occasion of his death), Gottfried Keller and David Friedrich Strauß, acquaintances with Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, Ludwig Uhland and Friedrich Hölderlin
1862 Writes a parody of Goethe's "Faust" under the pseudonym of "Deutobold Symbolicetti Allegoriovitch Mystificinsky" entitled "Faust – the third part of the tragedy"
Works as an influential and critical publisher, publishes press articles on political, artistic, philosophical, theological and aesthetic issues
1869 - 1877 Professor of German Literature and Aesthetics at Stuttgart Polytechnical School
1873 "A critique of my aesthetics" – self-criticism directed at his own major work, avoids criticism by others
9/14/1887 Dies in Gmunden
How "Beauty" came to Stuttgart
Friedrich Theodor Vischer ... in Tübingen
... in Stuttgart
... and aesthetics
Käte Hamburger: ... Epic preterite
... Aesthetic truth
Max Bense: ... Programming beauty
... Aesthetics and technology
The legacy of aesthetics
Biography: Friedrich Theodor Vischer
Biography: Käte Hamburger
Biography: Max Bense
Incentive timeline