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   Anonymous upper-Rhenian "Master E.S." / Oberrheinischer Meister E. S.
   E. S. ; not to be mixed up with -> Erhard Schön (1491 c. -1542) ;
   1420 c.
   1468 c.
   Hieronymus Brunschwig: Cirugia (1497, reprints ed. by G. Klein, Munich 1911 & H. E. Sigerist, Milano 1923) ;
   architectural, botanical, anatomical, medical and ornamental copperplate engraving ;
   Choulant 1858: 10 ; Herrlinger 1972: 37 & 57-9 ; Nagler ; AKL ;
   Anonymous, active since 1440 in Konstanz, Basel, at Lake Constance / Bodensee & in Northern Switzerland, later in Straßburg / Strasbourgh , Alsace.

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