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   Martin T.
   M. T. T. ;
   1820 c. in the Alsace region of France
   trained at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris, and was a student of lithography under Bernard-Roman Julien (1802-1871)
   J. Rothschild: Les Chevaux de Course. Historique des Etalons Pur Sang Anglais et Français et des Juments Françaises les plus Celèbres Ayant paru sur le turf de 1764 a 1887, Paris 1899 ; S. F. Touchstone (Alias Goeffry) ;
   Smithsonian Institution
   lithographer -> Max Rosenthal in Philadelphia ; draughtsman V. J. Cotlison ;
   animal, geographical, topographical, and zoological chromolithography ; hand-colouring ; ; ; ;
   Philadelphia on Stone, Biographical Dictionary of Lithographers ; Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 # 4151 ;
   M. T. worked as a lithographer & mezzotint engraver in Paris before traveling to Philadelphia on a commission by the Smithsonian Institution with his apprentice, ->Max Rosenthal; from 1849-54 active in the USA, then he returned to France
   19952061 ?

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