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   Per Olof
   P. O. S. ;
   Keramikerin Eva Bergling
   1908 in Västra Broby, Kristianstads län
   Broddetorp, Västergötlands län
   chief engineer Magnus Swanberg
   Maria Simonsson (mother)
   dentistry at the university of Helsingborg
   as a dentist in Ödeshög, in Skara, and at the sanatorium Stora Ekeberg in Axvall ; Makatsch, Wolfgang (1906-1983): Die Vögel in Haus, Hof und Garten (Radebeul: Neumann-Verlag, 1956, 5th edition: 1968) & Die Vögel in Wald und Heide (Radebeul: Neumann, 1959; 2nd edition: 1962, 3rd edition: 1965) & Die Vögel in Feld und Flur (Radebeul: Neumann, 1953; 2nd edition: 1955, 3rd edition: 1960, 4th edition: 1963) & Die Vögel der Seen und Teiche (Radebeul: Neumann, 1952; 2nd edition: 1953; 3rd edition: 1954; 4th edition: 1955; 5th edition: 1958; 6th edition: 1964; 7th edition: 1973) ;
   Bylin, Kjell & Sture Traneving (*1936) ;
   ornithological photography ;

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