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   John (William)
   J. W. ; Johann Wäber / Weber ;
   1751 in London (Oct. 6th 1751, not 1750 / 1752)
   London, UK
   sculptor Abraham Webber / Wäber
   in Berne, Switzerland: pupil of landscape artist Johann Ludwig Aberli 1767-70 & Jean-Georges Wille at Acad. Royale Paris; London Roy. Acad.
   England, UK
   Captain James Cook's 3rd Voyage to the Pacific Ocean (London 1784) ; Thomas Bewick: General History Quadrupeds ; John Webber: Views in the South Seas (1792/1806) ; Jules René Bourguignat (1829-1892) ? ; William Bayly, astronomer on the ship 'Discovery' during Capt. Cook's 3rd voyage in 1777
   British Admiralty ; Royal Academy, London (1st exhib. 1776) ;
   -> John Cleveley ; -> John Frederick Miller ; -> James Miller ; ->Francesco Bartolozzi ; ->S. Middiman ; successor to -> W. Hodges ;
   topographical, geographical, landscape, and ethnological sketching, drawing, miniature painting, etching, aquatint, and oil painting ;,_1787.jpg&filetimestamp=20070527090
   Historisches Museum Bern; British Museum; Anchorage Museum of History and Art; Bishop Museum Honolulu; Peabody Essex Museum Salem; Yale University Art
   AKL ; ThB 35 1942: 212 ; Dict. Can. Bio. 4 ; Dict. Australian Biogr. ; Dance 1989: 84 ; Pinault 1991: 80 ; Chansigaud 2009: 82 ; A. L. Kaeppler: James Cook & Entdeckung der Südsee 2009: 22, 66ff., 116f., 241, 244ff., 251 & passim ; Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 # 499 ?; Richard Dunn: The Telescope - A Short History, Greenwich: Nat. Maritime Museum, 2009: 101;
   Expedition artist aboard HMS Resolution: Pacific 1776-1780, New Zealand, South Seas, Sandwich Islands; large coll. of paintings in Nat. Maritime Museum, Greenwich.

Further archival source: .

Further Place of Activity: Switzerland, New Zealand, and the South Sea.

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