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   L. T. ; Luis Tiexiera / Ludovico Teisera / Luiz Teixeira ;
   1564 fl.
   not to be confused with Luís Teixeira Lobo, one of the first Portuguese humanists, son of João Teixeira and brother of Álvaro
   portolan maps of the Azores: Açores insulae ; of the coast near Brazil ;
   An atlas of the colony of Brazil is attributed to L.T.: Roteiro de todos os sinais, conhecimentos, fundos, baixos, alturas, e derrotas que há na costa do Brasil desde o Cabo de Santo Agostinho até ao estreito de Fernão de Magalhães (1586) ;
   geographic & topographic drawing; cartographic map-making, esp. or portolan charts; astronomical & mathematical drawing ;
   Luis de Albuquerque: Astronomical Navigation, Lisbon 1988: 141 ;
   16th-century Portuguese Jesuit, cartographer & mathematician.

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