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   J. H. ; Jacob Houbraken ;
   Christina Schaak (1733)
   1698 in Dordrecht, Netherlands
   Amsterdam, Netherlands
   engraver: Arnold Houbraken(1660-1719)
   Antonia Houbraken (sister) ;
   taught by his father A. Houbraken
   Peter Kolb(e) (1675-1726) ; John Lawrence ?(1754-1839) ; Albertus Seba (1665-1736) ; Wagenaar: Vaderlandsche Historie ; Thomas Birch: The Heads of the most illustr. persons of Great Britain (London 1743/52) ; F. Halmas: Bybelsche Mengelzangen (Leeuwarden 1718) ; M. Maittaires: Annales Typographici (1719/25) ;
   with his father A. Houbraken: Groote Schouburgh der Nederl. Kunstschilders; Jan Maurits Quinkhard; Johann van Gool: Nieuwe Schouburg der Nederl. Kunstschilders ;
   natural copperplate engraving and etching ; portraits ;; ;
   AKL ; ThB 17 1924, 555 ; Seba: Cabinet of Natural Curiosities 1734-65, frontispice & various large-scale plates ; Das Antlitz der Wissenschaft, Halle 2012: 20 & 25 ; Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 ## 2282 & 2397? ;

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