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   E. S. ; sometimes also called E. Stern ;
   1491 c.
   probably in Nuremberg
   Nicolaus Salicetus ; Die 218 Einblatt des Erhard Schoen [4 folders] ; Vnnderweissung der proportzion vnnd stellung der possen, liegent vnnd stehend ab gestolen wie ... (1538 & 1542-3) ; Antidotarius anime meditatiões ac oratiões deuotissimas cõplectẽs. Iã denuo cũctis ab ... (1520) ;
   anatomical, technical, and perspectival copperplate engraving ;
   German masters of the sixteenth century. Erhard Schoen, Niklas Stoer ; Choulant 1858: 10 ; Nagler ; AKL ;
   Active in Nuremberg / Nürnberg, Franken, now Germany; cf.ön .

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