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   V. G. ; Vitus Graber ;
   Katharine Prill (1847-1895)
   geologist Hermann Veit Graber (1873-1939) ; one daugher named Maria, who got married to Theodor Gartner (1843-1925)
   1844 in Weer, Tyrol
   craftman ("Sensenschmied") J. Matthäus Graber (1809-?)
   zoologist Camill Heller (1823-1917) at the University of Innsbruck
   Leitfaden der Zoologie (Prag & Wien 1888) ; Die tympanalen Sinnesorgane der Orthopteren (Wien 1876) ;
   zoological drawing
   Nissen: Zoolog. Buchillustration 1969/78 ;
   Further Place of Activity: Italy.

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