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   J. B. ; Jan Brandejs / Jan Adolf Brandeis ;
   1813 in Týniště nad Orlicí / Nawratow, Bohemia
   photographer August Liebelt (brother-in-law)
   porcellain painting in Jablonec nad Nisou ; 1837 Munich Academy of Arts under Franz Kadlik ; painter Josef Bernhard ; 1853-4 Thomas Couture in Paris
   Czech Republic
   Johann Nepomuk Czermak on larynx research (1860) ;
   Czermak's Spectatorium, a private laboratory in Prague ;
   photographer Antal Simonyi ; August Liebelt ;
   medical and anatomical photography, watercolour, and oil painting ; porcellain painting ; pastell colouring of portrait photography ;
   AKL13 1996: 603 ; ThB4 1910: 527 ; Gernsheim 1961: 151 ;
   Further Places of Activity: Austria (Vienna), the Netherlands (Holland), Belgium, and Germany.

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