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   F. M. ; Camaldolese Brother Mauro da Venezia ;
   cloister San Michele (island in the Venitian lagoon)
   Mappa mundi, c. 1457-59, kept at the Biblioteca Marciana in Venice:
   King Alfons V
   cartographer ->Andrea Bianco ; cartographer Alvise Ca' Da Mosto ? ;
   geographic map-making, esp. a world map from c. 1457-59 ; drawing & hand-colouring on pergament
   Bibl. Marciana, Venice ; ;
   Il Mappamondo di Fra Mauro, A cura di Tullia Gasparrini Leporace; presentazione di Roberto Almagià, Rome 1956; Angelo Cattaneo: Fra Mauro’s Mappamundi and fifteenth-century Venetian culture. Turnhout: 2007; Piero Falchetta: Fra Mauro’s world map: w. comm.& transl. of inscriptions, ibid.2006;
   A camaldulense monch active as geographer, compiling reports of portugese seafarers.

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